The Yule Ball

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—Caroline's POV—

    I was fixing my hair when I heard a knock on my door, "Are you almost ready," Hermione asked.

    "Almost!" I said.

    "Well I should meet Victor, I'll see you at the dance,"

    "Yeah see you there," I finished with my hair and walked out of my dorm in my dress. I walked into the hallway and saw Ginny. "Hey Ginny! I love your dress!" I said, "Who are you going to the dance with?"

    "Oh Neville asked me," she said.

    "Shall we?" I asked holding out my hand, she took it and we walked down the stairs.

    "Woah," Fred said as we came into view, he hit George in the shoulder to get him to look at us,

    "Oh you two look nice," George said.

    "Nice? More like stunning," he said taking my hand.

    "Don't be weird Fred," Ginny said throwing him a look and walking over to Neville.

    "Let's go!" Fred said ignoring his little sister. We left the common room and walked down the stairs and met Harry and Ron there. We walked in with Ron because Harry had to go in with the other champions. The dance started and Fluer walked in with her date followed by, Cedric and Cho, Victor and Hermione, and Harry with Padma. The 4 pairs started dancing then a few other couples joined in, "May I have this dance," he asked me.

    "Yes you may," I said smiling. We walked onto the dance floor and he took my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders. We danced until it came time for me to sing, I left Fred and walked up to the stage and took a small candy from Professor Flintwick. The candy made my voice louder so everyone could hear me. The music started and I sang "How does a moment last forever" by Céline Dion.

    Everyone danced slowly to my song and Fred made his way to the edge of the stage and layed his head on his hands on the stage. I smiled and walked over to him and sat down in front of him still singing. We stayed like that until my song was finished. When I was done he stood back up and gestured for me to move towards him. I moved to the edge of the stage so my feet hung over the side. He grabbed my waist and picked me up to lift me off the stage.

    Another song started to play and we walked out into the hall. "You sang beautifully," he told me.

    "Thank you!" I said. A group of people came up the hall pushing us closer together. Suddenly we heard yelling behind us, it was Ron and Hermione. Ron and Harry went up the stairs and Hermione was sitting and crying on the steps. I looked at Fred and he nodded so I ran over to her.

    "Ron ruins everything!" She sobbed.

    "I'm so sorry, what happened?" I asked.

    "I was having fun with Victor and I asked Ron and Harry If they wanted to join and they said no. Then Ron started saying I was fraternizing with the enemy and he said Victor was too old and he was using me!"

    "Have you ever thought he might like you?" I asked.

    "Ron? No way," she said. She was calming down a bit and had stopped crying. We went upstairs to the common room and up to her dorm. We sat and talked until lights out. I left her dorm and was walking across the hall towards mine when a hand came up and covered my mouth.

    "Don't scream," Fred whispered in my ear. He let his hand drop from my mouth and I said,

    "What is wrong with you! I thought I was being kidnapped!" I whisper-yelled at him.

    "Sorry," he said, "Is Hermione alright?"

    "Yeah she's fine, just upset," I told him quietly. "What are you even doing here? You're not supposed to be near the girls dormitories?"

    "Are you trying to say you don't want me here?" He joked.

    "No, you just never come up here," I said.

    "Well maybe I should change that," he suggested. He put one arm around my waist and pulled me into my room. "Wow it's nice in here, much nicer than my room,"

    "Yeah because I clean my room," I said laughing.

    "Oh is that so?" He said picking me up and setting me on my bed. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he put one hand on my cheek. Our faces became gradually closer until our lips pressed together. I put my hands behind his neck running my fingers through his red hair, which was quite long now. When the kiss ended I giggled and said,

    "You need a hair cut,"

    "Really? That's what you're thinking about right now, how long my hair is?" He said looking at me and smirking.

    "Well it is long, I mean look at this," I said running my hands through his hair, front to back, "You could braid it it's so long. Can I braid it?"

     "No!" He said laughing. "It's late, I should go back to my room,"

     "Fine, goodnight," I said pouting. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek saying,


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