The Necklace

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—Caroline's POV—

        When I finally made it up to the common room Fred and George were sitting on a couch talking when they saw me walk in. Fred said "Well well well, look who made it off the stairs."

         "With no help from the two of you I might add," I said annoyed.

         "What? Are you mad at us?" George asked sarcastically.

         "Yes! Yes I am!" I said laughing.

         "Well then maybe I can change your mind," Fred said running at me, picking me up and putting me over his shoulder.

         "Actually this is making me more angry," I laughed.

         "Just you wait," he said running up the stairs to his dorm that he shared with George and Lee. When Fred burst into their room it made Lee jump and he looked over laughing at me.

         "Um Fred if you're looking for a place to snog your girlfriend this isn't an option, I'm trying to do homework," Lee said jokingly. Lee and George often made remarks like this, probably either because I'm a bit closer to Fred then Lee or George, or because they know I like him. I've never asked them if they thought I liked him because if they didn't, then they'd probably start and they tease me about it enough as is.

         "Oh yeah? When was the last time any of us did homework?" Fred asked laughing.

         "I know the last time I did. 2nd year October 12th." I remarked as Fred set me down on his bed.

         "Probably accurate," George said leaning against the door frame.

"Okay so what's up here that will make me less angry at you?" I asked expectantly.

"Why are you mad at them?" Lee asked.

"They left me stranded on a platform on the moving staircases," I said.

"We didn't leave you stranded, you could have jumped," Fred said defensively.

"Jumping from a platform to a moving staircase 60 feet off the ground isn't how I want to die Fred," I said rolling my eyes and walking towards the door.

"Yeah roll your eyes further, maybe you'll find a brain back there," George said with an annoying little smirk on his face.I opened my mouth clearly offended by the comment and slapped him upside the head. I tried to leave the room but George was blocking the door, I was about to ask him to move when I felt someone's arms around my waist pulling me back and saying,

"Where do you think you're going?" Fred dragged me back to the middle of the room.

"Hey!" I protested.

"I said I wanted to show you something, what was I supposed to do?" He said.

"Let me leave?" I said sarcastically.

"Ta da! Here it is, the newest addition to the joke shop," he said pulling out an ear with a wire attached to it.

"Ew! What is that?!" I said backing away from it.

"Relax it's not real," Fred said chuckling.

"I would hope not," I said laughing, "So, what does it do?"

"It lets you eavesdrop on other people's conversations. We call them extendable ears," he said proudly.

"Cool, so..." I was interrupted by Ron walking and saying,

"Hey Caroline, Hermione is looking for you,"

"Okay. Sorry boys," I said before leaving.

When I made it to Hermione's room I walked in and immediately heard her crying. I ran over and asked her what was wrong. She responded with "I-I-I'm g-gonna f-f-f-fail, a-and get e-e-expelled!"

"What? Why?!" I asked in shock.

"Just look," she said still crying. I looked at the parchment she had just handed me. It was a potions test. The grade was a 90/100.

"Hermione? Hermione please don't tell me you are crying over an A-," I said resisting the urge to laugh.

"W-what do y-you mean," she asked.

"Well first of all an A- is a better grade than the majority of the school gets. Second of all this is a potions test, meaning Professor Snape graded it. Everyone knows he hates Gryffindors, he probably gave you a worse grade than normal on purpose."

"No, no your right, thank you," she said trying to calm down. When she was more calm she said, "Sorry if I pulled you away from anything."

"Not really I was just hang out with the twins and Lee," I said casually.

"Ooohhh FRED!" she said giggling.

"Ugh I regret telling you that," I said embarrassed. Hermione was the only person I ever told about my crush on Fred. She rarely talked about it and never to other people, Hermione was a good person to tell if you ever need to tell someone a secret. She is the most loyal person I know and I know all the Gryffindors. We sat in her room and talked until lights out.

When it came time to go to our own rooms I walked towards my dorm until I realized I wasn't wearing my necklace. It must've fallen off while Fred was carrying me. I walked up the stairs to the boys dorms and quietly opened the door to be sure not to wake them up. I used lumos to help me search the floor. I jumped when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I whipped around and pointed my wand at the person behind me. "Oh it's just you," I said putting a hand over my heart when I saw Fred. "Sorry did I wake you up?"

"No I was already awake. What are you doing in here?" He asked.

"Oh right! I was walking back to my dorm when I realized I didn't have my necklace on I thought I might have dropped in here when you were carrying me."

"Oh I'll help,"

"Oh thanks, it's two necklaces connected at the clasp, they're silver and the charms are both hearts..." I was saying when he cut me off.

"I know what it looks like you wear it everyday. It's two silver necklaces with matching heart charms, inside the hearts are small diamond-like gems," he had described the necklace to a tee, every detail exact.

"Um... yeah. Yeah that's exactly what it looks like," I said slightly shocked.

"Ok... ready set go." He said chuckling quietly.

We searched the floor for about 10 minutes before he found it by the door, I walked over and tried to take it from him. To my surprise he pulled it out of my reach. "What are you doing?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Turn around," he said plainly.

"What?" I asked sort of surprised.

"Turn around," he said again. Before I could move he turned me around. He moved my hair to the side and put the necklace on me, it took him a second to get the clasp done. When he finally got it he put his hands on my shoulders and placed a kiss on the top of my head, which made me smile. I turned around smiling at him. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing, your just really sweet when you want to be," I said still smiling.

"Um... well you should get to bed," Fred said kind of awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, goodnight Fred," I walked toward the door and stopped I turned back and kissed him on the cheek then went back to my room.

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