Weasley's Wizardly Wheezes

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—Caroline's POV— Two weeks later

I was repacking my trunk when I heard chattering out side, "just go in!" Someone whispered. I stood up and the doorknob turned, I put hand on my wand, which was on my dresser. The door opened and Fred stepped in,

"Two weeks," he said. I ran over to him and hugged him. "I can't wait to show you the shop! You're gonna love it!"

"He owns a shop?" Haley said. She was one of the older girls, she was 15. "Oohh we love a business man," we all laughed.

"Alright round everybody up I want a hug from everyone," I said.

I stood in the hallway by the door and hugged all of my girls. When I got to Valerie she whispered, "Is he a wizard?"

"Yeah I am," he whispered to her.

"Me too! I'm going to Hogwarts!" She told him.

"Do me a favor? Mess with the janitor, Filch, as much as you can. Trust me he deserves it," he said.

"Fred! Don't tell her to do that!" I said slapping his arm.

"Okay, fine. Don't do that," he said winking at her.

I hugged the rest of the girls goodbye and Fred and I walked into the the alley next to the orphanage. He grabbed my waist, pulled me in and asked, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I said. Suddenly we were in the middle of the street in Diagon Alley. In front of us was a shop with a giant statue of one of the twins. "Is that you or George?" I asked.

"It's me," I voice said next to me.

"George!" I exclaimed hugging him.

"It is not! It's me!" Fred said.

"No, it's me!" George argued.

"Okay, I regret asking. Why don't you show me the inside?" I suggested. We walked in and all around us were shelves of merchandise, over our heads were toys buzzing around, and people browsing and buying. The store was packed with costumers, the twins navigated the crowd easily and Fred held onto my hand so I wouldn't get lost. We walked through the store and up the steps, I stopped on the landing them so I could admire the shop from above. There was a fountain of love potions to my left and puking pastilles to my right, and at the other end of the shop, in front of the display windows were pygmy puffs.

"Come on, I want to show you the back," Fred said, pulling my arm. I ran up the steps with him as he unlocked a door at the top of the stairs. We walked through the door, into the hall and down to an orange door with a purple F on it. Fred opened the door that was clearly his and gestured me inside. "Welcome to your new room," he said, hugging me from behind.

"Wow I get my own room, by myself!" I joked. He laughed and kissed my cheek. "I should unpack," I said.

"No, you can do that later! Cmon I wanna show you this rest," he said.

"What do you mean the rest?" I asked. He pulled me down the hall and through another door, which led into the kitchen, dining room and living room. The living room and dining room were clearly defined by rugs. "Wow, this is amazing! Why isn't there any furniture in the living room or dining room though?" I asked.

"We couldn't pick anything that looked okay, so we just didn't pick anything out," he said.

"You can't just not have furniture!" I said.

"Well we were kinda hoping you'd pick it out when you got here," George said walking into the room.

"5 months. You've lived for 5 months with out furniture... because you couldn't find something that looks good?" I looked back and forth at them in shock.

"We have beds," Fred said.

"Oh my... let's go. We're going shopping for furniture. Right now," I pulled Fred and George behind me and out of the store.

"Wait!" Fred said, stopping in his tracks.

"What?" I asked.

"One of us has to stay. To manage the shop," Fred said.

"Okay, I'll take George," I said.

"What? Why George?" Fred asked.

"George has a better sense of style and you're really indecisive," I told him. George started laughing.

"I am not!" He protested.

"What color couch should we buy?" I asked him.

"Oh! Well... uhhhh... brown? No, white! Oh or black?" He said. I rolled my eyes,

"See, indecisive," I said. I pulled George to the closest furniture store. We bought a grey couch with two chairs to match, and an oak wood table with a set of wooden chairs. We also bought black barstools, for the island in the kitchen.

When we made it back, we went straight to the living room and moved the furniture around then we did the same with the dining room. Once we finished we sat down on the new couch, "It looks great. More like a home less like the back of a shop in Diagon Alley," George said. I laughed,

"Yeah, well, I'm still shocked that you two lived without furniture for 5 months," It was around 6:30 and the ship closed at 6:45 so we went downstairs to help Fred close up. When we were done we went back upstairs, we sat on the new couch and chairs and talked until 10:00. "We should probably go to bed," I said, "it's getting late,"

"Yeah, goodnight," George said walking towards his room. We followed shortly after, going to our room. We laid down in bed, "This is going to sound weird, but I miss going to school. I mean classes, sneaking around, not doing homework," I said.

"Yeah, I miss it too," he said.

"I can't believe I considered dropping out my first year," I said.

"What?" He asked confused, "why would you did that?"

"I didn't have that many friends my first year. Also... didn't you ever wonder why I had a dorm to myself?" I asked.

"Not really," he said.

"Well my first year I didn't, I was sharing a dorm with three 4th year girls, but halfway through the year they... they decided to all apply to switch dorms. They started spreading rumors about what a terrible dorm-mate I was. They were bullies," I told him.

"What? Why didn't you ever tell me?" He pulled me closer to him.

"It was embarrassing. And besides the next year they found someone else to direct their attention towards, and I made two friends, which led to three, then four, then before you know it you and George made me tryout for the quidditch team and I was semi-popular," I said.

"Well I'm glad you didn't drop out," he said. He kissed me on the top of the head and we fell asleep.

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