Order of the Phoenix pt.2

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—Caroline's POV—

    When I woke up Fred was kissing my cheek, I turned around and kissed him on the lips. He pulled me in and I put my leg up and around his. "What time is it," I asked moving to get up, he pulled me back and said,

    "Who cares,"

    "You mum will when she comes in to wake you up and finds me here," I said smiling.

    "I don't care if she finds you," he said putting his arms around me.

    "Well, I do," I slid out his arms and walked to the door,

    "Noooo come back," Fred whined.

    "I'll see you later," I said laughing. I left and went to my room I shared with Hermione. When I walked in she wasn't there, so I took some clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. I turn on the water, undressed, and got in. I had just gotten my hair wet when I heard something fall in the bathroom, I looked out and saw Fred putting something back on the sink.

    "Why hello there," he said staring at me with a smirk on my face.

    "Fred! What are you doing?!" I said surprised.

    "Getting in," he said taking his sweater off and unbuttoning his shirt.

    "Oh absolutely not," I said pushing his bare chest away from the shower.

"Why not?" He said grabbing my hand so I couldn't push him away.

"Because you family is here and Lupin and Moody and Tonks and Hermione and Sirius and..." I listed off the people staying in number 12 Grimmuald place.

    "Ok yes but why would that stop what happens behind locked doors," he said kissing me from the other side of the shower curtain.

    "What if they walk in?" I asked pulling away from the kiss.

    "Again, the doors are locked," he said tapping the lock on the door, "unless you just don't want to?"

    "Woah, when did I say that?" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him back, "like you said the door is locked, but there is one issue,"

    "And what is that?" He asked smirking.

    "You have clothes on," I said pulling the shower curtain closed. I turned to face the shower head and he got in behind me so we couldn't see each other. He moved my hair and kissed my neck and shoulders. Then he put a hand on my neck and tipped up my chin to kiss me. He traced my collarbone with his finger and turned me around so he could kiss me fully.

    I put my hands on his chest and moved them up and over his shoulders. With his hand he grabbed the back of my thigh and pulled my leg up on him. Then he grabbed my other leg and pulled me up and held me. I was worried he would drop me, "Don't worry, I've got you," he whispered in my ear.

He got out of the shower first and dried of with a towel. When I opened the shower curtain he took my hand and gave me the other towel. "You should probably apperate out of here," I said wrapping it around me.

"Yeah, probably, wouldn't want anyone to talk," he said smirking. While he got dressed he put his towel in his mouth. When he finished he said, "See you later love," then handed me the towel, took his wand and apperated. I took his towel and brought it to my face I could smell his familiar cinnamon and campfire scent. When I was dressed I walked out of the bathroom to see Fred and George right outside the door,

"What did you do, what do you need me to lie for you about, what are you going to do, and what are you dragging me into?" I asked expectantly.

"This is going under Ron's pillow" Fred said pulling out a lifelike spider. I backed up and almost fell, I hate spiders. "Relax, it's fake," he said laughing.

"Well I'm not helping," I said trying to squeeze past them.

"Why not?" George asked not letting me leave.

"Because, I'm scared of spiders too. I'm not gonna torture Ron with one," I responded. They looked at each other, then ran after me with the spider,

"Why don't we put it under your pillow?" George said still chasing me.

"Wouldn't matter! I don't sleep there anyway," I yelled back, looking at Fred. He smiled then sped up and ran past his brother. They were clearly letting me get away, they were fast when they wanted to be. Fred ran up and grabbed my waist, turning me around and slinging me over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down!" I said squirming.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," he said running down the stairs and walking into the kitchen.

"Fredrick! Put her down!" Molly scolded him from the stove.

"Yeah Fredrick," I mocked him. He leaned forward to put me down and when he stood back up the rubber spider was in my face. I screamed and smacked his hand. He laughed at me and shoved the spider in his pocket, "Mrs. Weasley, Fred has a rubber spider and he's gonna put it under Ron's pillow to scare him," I told her.

"Wow! Tattletale!" He said shocked.

"Give it here Fred," she said walking over to us and holding out her hand, he gave it to her reluctantly.

"How could you? You're never going to be part of a prank again," he teased.

"You say that now, but when you get caught five times in a row, you'll come crawling back," I said smugly.

"Oh is that so," he said pulling me close.

"Yes it is, and I'm not gonna kiss you," I said

"Wha... why?" He said offended.

"Well for one, you put a spider in my face and two, your mum is right there" I said pointing at Molly. He rolled his eyes,

"Can you get everyone for supper?" Moly asked us.

"Sure," I said before walking upstairs into Ron's room, "Hey, supper is ready. Who's the other bed for?" There was another bed made next to Ron's.

"Harry," he said standing up and walking to the door.

"Harry's coming?" I asked.

"Yeah Moody, Tonks, Kingsley, and some others are going to get him from the Dursley's soon,"

"Really? Do you think they'd let me go with them?" I asked.

"Yeah probably," he said going down stairs. I went into everyone else's room and got them for supper.

When I went down stairs and saw Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley at the door. I ran up to them and said,

"Hey you're going to get Harry right? Can I come?"

"Yeah we are. You seventeen?" He asked in his low grumbling voice.

"Yeah," I said.

"Then grab a broom," he said nodding to a closet. I opened it and it had a collection of brooms in every size. I took one and followed them outside. I climbed on my broom and we flew through the air.

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