19 Years Later

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—Caroline's POV—

"George! Lana! Chloe! Come on you're going to be late for the train!" I shouted. Lana and Chloe are twins, George is a year younger then them and they act just like Fred and George do.

"Coming mom!" They yelled. The three of them came clattering down the stairs arguing about something.

"Of course they do! Don't be ridiculous George," Lana said.

"Yeah, don't be silly!" Chloe said.

"What are you arguing about now?" Fred sighed.

"Lana and Chloe are saying that pygmy puffs spray fire when they get really hungry," George said. "They don't, right dad?"

"Ahh! Yeah, course they do," he lied.

"Fred! Don't lie to him! They don't George," I assured him.

"Ha! Told you!" George taunted them.

"Mom!" Lana and Chloe yelled, "Cmon really?"

"Alright everyone load up in the car!" I said waving them out the door. They argued the whole way to Kings Cross station. They wheeled their carts with their trunks through the barrier between platforms nine and ten and we came out the other side, almost colliding with George and Angelina, and their son Fred. "Hey you three!" I said.

"Aunt Caroline! Uncle Fred! George!" He ran straight for his cousin. Fred and George were practically inseparable, they spent every day and night with each other, either at Fred and I's house, or at George and Angelina's.

"Alright, Lana, Chloe, don't tease your brother, and try not to get expelled. Oh! And say hello to Professor Longbottom for us," I told them.

"Also make sure to mess with Filch," Fred added.

"No!" I hit his arm.

"Alright, don't," He laughed and winked at the twins. They all hopped on the train and we waved as it sped away.

The End

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