The Triwizard Tournament

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—Fred's POV—

        When she left I couldn't hold myself together, I had a huge smile on my face and couldn't stop just starring at the door. She kissed me. Not on the lips but it was close enough for me. I had basically been in love with her since the year I met her, at least that's how George would put it. I tried to sleep but I couldn't I was far to excited. I finally fell asleep hours later. I woke up from someone jumping on me, it was George, "Get off!" I groaned.

          "Come on sleepyhead it's time for breakfast," George said still sitting on me.

         "I'm tired I was up late last night," I said trying to hide under my blanket.

         "What do you mean you were up late? We went to sleep at the same time," George retorted confused.

          "Yeah, I woke up around midnight and went to the bathroom, then Caroline came in looking for her necklace," I explained. George and Lee looked at each other then looked at me, "What?" I asked confused.

         "Caroline?" They both asked in unison.

         "Oh nothing happened... well, I mean," I said.

        "What?! What happened?" George said excited. George is very emotionally invested in my crush on Caroline, he really needs to get a life.

        "It's nothing really she... she kissed me," I said casually.

        "WHAT?! No way!" He said shocked.

        "Well on the cheek but still," I said which clearly made him a little annoyed.

        "Lead with that next time! Ugh whatever get dressed and go down to the great hall for breakfast,"

—Caroline's POV—

         When I walked into the great hall I went to the Gryffindor table and immediately saw the twins bright red hair. I ran over to them and slid in right next to Fred. As soon as I had sat down Dumbledore started with morning announcements, which included two things, the Triwizard Tournament and the Yule ball.

         As soon as he announced it one of the schools participating, Durmstrang, walked in. The majority of their student were boys. All the girls at Hogwarts stared when the Victor Krum walked past. I rolled my eyes, girls can be so ridiculous, Victor wasn't even that cute.

         When Durmstrang was seated, Dumbledore announced the next school, Bauxbatons. I immediately noticed that their student body was the exact opposite of Durmstrang, the majority of the students were girls. The girls walked down the hall with their headmistress behind them, "Blimey that's one big lady," Seamus said. She was clearly a giant or something, she was easily twice as tall as anyone in the room.

          When all of the students were seated Dumbledore started talking about the tournament and it's rules. "Everyone who enters the tournament must be 17 year old as decided by the Ministry of Magic." He said. Everyone was angry especially the twins.

         "Boooo! That's rubbish!!" They shouted along with the rest of the school.

         After class almost the whole school was waiting by the goblet to see who would put their name in it. I was sitting with Hermione when Fred and George burst in the room and walked up to the goblet, everyone was cheering.

         "It's not going to wooorrrk," Hermione said in a singsongy voice. Fred and George looked at each other then ran over and sat down on either side of her.

        "Oh yeah?" Fred said

        "And why's that Granger?" George asked. Hermione rolled her eyes and said,

        "See this? This is an age line," she said tracing the white glowing line with her finger, "Dumbledore drew it himself, he couldn't be fooled by something so dim witted."

        "Yeah but that's why it's so brilliant," Fred argued.

        "Because it's so incredibly dim witted," George finished. They ran over and hopped up on a bench, shook the vials in their hands and said,

         "Ready Fred?"

         "Ready George!"

         "Bottoms up!" They said in unison. After they drank the potions they hopped into the circle. They waited a few second to make sure it worked and everyone started to cheer but me, Fred noticed that and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and started clapping slowly. Fred and George turned to each other and high-fived, then they pulled out two pieces of parchment with their names on them and tossed them into the goblet of fire.

          Everyone cheered for a couple seconds before blue flames shot out sending the twins flying backward. I ran over to Fred and kneeled down next to him, he sat up and felt his face. He and George had full white beards and their flaming orange hair was silver. They looked at each other in shock,

         "You said!"

        "You said!"

         Fred hopped on George and they started wrestling. It took me, Harry, Hermione, and Ron to pull them off of each other. Ron and I pulled Fred to one side of the room while Hermione and Harry had George on the other side. We took them to Madam Pomfrey's separately and she had them drink an anti-aging potion. I left Fred at Madam Pomfrey's and came back after a few minutes, when I walked in I saw bright red hair peeking over a partition, "I see you're back to your old ginger self!" I said.

      "Are you trying to tell me you don't like the white?" He said chuckling.

      "It's not that I don't like it, I just like you as a ginger more," I stood on my tiptoes to ruffle his, now red, hair. "Come on they're announcing the champions in the great hall!"

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