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It was the first weekend at school now. You and Draco were sitting in a window seal talking when Seamus came around the corner.

'Not so tough now are you Malfoy.'
'Leave him alone Seamus.'
'Oh need your girlfriend to stand up for you mate, how pathetic.'
Draco stood up and had his fists clenched, 'Shut up Seamus.'

Seamus scoffed, 'are you going to fight me now? How would that make you look, I know it's only a matter of time before you try something again.' Draco suddenly had Seamus pinned against a wall.

'Draco! He's not worth it, come on,' you grabbed his arm. He looked at you then back at Seamus. He let go of him and followed you.

You started walking upstairs.
'Where are we going?'
'Trust me Malfoy you need to relax, your stressed and I can tell. I don't want you to do something stupid.'
You got to the prefects bathroom on the fourth floor.

'Why are we here?'
'Gillyweed,' the door opened, 'just come on.'
You brought him in and started the bath.
'Get in,' you gestured towards the bath.
'Fine, but can you,' he spun his finger for you to turn around.
'It's not like I haven't seen it before,' you said as your turned around.

He got in. You sat down on the floor behind him and started to give him a massage.
'Is this relaxing?'
'Yes thank you (y/n).' He put his head back so you could kiss him.
'I love you,' he said, his head resting on your leg.
'I love you too.'

After a few mins, Myrtle came through the pipes.
'Go away Myrtle, now's not the time,' you said sternly.
She came over to you guys.

'I wasn't interrupting something now, was I?'
'Just trying to get Draco to relax.'
She leaned a bit closer to him.
'Get lost,' he said as he got some more bubbles in front of him.
'Tut tut,' she giggled and made he way slowly across the bath and out through the pipes.

'Well I really should be getting out now anyways,' Draco said a few minutes after Myrtle had left.
'If you say so,' you got up and grabbed a towel for him.
He got out of the tub, 'thanks,' he wrapped the towel around his waist. You couldn't help but notice how hot he looked, so you kissed him passionately.

'Woah what was that for,' he said running his hand through his hair once you stopped.
'Uh I'm not sure.'
'Well do it more often.' He smiled at you and you smiled back.

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