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You and Draco had been having a really fun time, you went for walks in the snow, studied, hung out, and sometimes just walked around the castle aimlessly just talking. It was Christmas Eve now and you headed down to the Great Hall and saw Draco about to go in so you ran over and grabbed his wand.

'What was that for?'
'Come get it.'
'Give it back'
'Come get it,' you smiled and ran out the front of the castle into the snow. Draco looked confused and a little frustrated but ran after you. He got outside and you threw a snowball at him.
'Oh your on,' he said and made a snowball and threw it at you.
You guys had a snowball fight that ended in both of you falling in the snow and laughing.
'Here's your wand back.'
'Oh right, I forgot.'
You guys went, got changed into new robes and had lunch.

The next morning you woke up and saw presents at the foot of your bed. You quickly got up and started opening them. You opened your presents from all the Weasleys and wondered if they were having a good Christmas and if your parents were going to there house today. Some of your questions were answered with a letter attached to your the present from your parents. In the letter they apologized again for you not being able to come home and that they were going to be staying home too except for having Christmas dinner at the Weasleys. You put on a new jumper you got for Christmas and went down to breakfast bringing your present for Draco along with you.

You had a really good breakfast you sat with Draco. After you guys went to a couch that was by a Christmas tree outside the Great Hall.
'Merry Christmas (y/n),' he handed you your present. You opened it and it was a really beautiful necklace. You gave him a hug.
'Thank you, I love it!'
'Let me put it on,' he put his hand out and you gave him the necklace. He put it on you.
'It's really beautiful.'
'Well it's a on a beautiful girl'
You blushed and handed him your present.

He opened it and found a snow globe.
'There's nothing inside the snow globe?'
'Shake it,' you gestured to it and he did.
Memories popped up of the past week and ended with your snowball fight the other day.
'Oh wow! I really like it, thank you!'
He hugged you and you gave him a kiss.
'Wanna go for a walk in the snow?'
'Sure,' he got up and held your hand.

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