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Christmas break was over now and a few months had gone by, soon it would be time to return home for the summer. Draco had some kind of accident in Quidditch he was fine really but had to stay in the Hospital wing for the night. You decided to go visit him.

'Hi, how are you doing,' you sat in the chair beside him.
'Hi (y/l/n), I'm glad you came I have to tell you something.' He sat up.
'Yes of course,' you moved the chair closer so you were right beside his bed now.
He grabbed your hand, 'tonight's the night, I have to do the task the dark lord gave me.'
You looked at him.
'I don't know what's going to happen, but I might have to leave Hogwarts for awhile.'
'I won't be here tomorrow.'
'Please be safe Draco.'
'I love you (y/n).'
'I love you too Draco.'
You left and went to your common room.

You tried to sleep that night, everyone was awake early rushing outside to see what had happened. Dumbledore died.

On the train him everyone was still pretty shocked about what had happened and rumours were flying around. You sat in your compartment with Ginny,Neville, and Luna.

You guys weren't talking, but you knew they all had questions about why Draco had disappeared after Dumbledore died. You started to cry.
'Oh (y/n)' Neville put his arm around you.
Ginny put her hand on your knee, 'it'll be okay (y/n).'

'Sometimes the most unfortunate things happen but it will turn out for the better in the end,' Luna said this.
You looked up, 'Ginny, do you know if Draco...'
'I haven't talked to Harry all that much,sorry.'
'It's okay, I'm going to find him.'
You left and looked for his compartment.

'Harry, can I talk to you?' You said standing in the doorframe of the compartment.
'Yea sure.'
'Do you want us to leave?' Ron asked gesturing to him and Hermione.
'No it's alright.'
Hermione moved over so you could sit beside her.

'You probably don't want to talk about this but was Draco, the one to you know, kill Dumbledore?'
'No, it was Snape.'
'Oh thank goodness.'
You sat back and looked at Ron.

'But (y/n),' Harry started talking again, 'he said he had to kill Dumbledore or Voldemort was going to kill him.'
'Yea he said he had to do something, he wouldn't tell me what.'
'He was lowering his wand, and then Snape did it.'
'He didn't want to be a Death Eater by the way. His father made him.' You got up and left.
Once you got back to your compartment you told Neville, Luna, and Ginny everything you knew from Draco being chosen to the conversation you just had with Harry.'

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