The Order

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It was the summer before year 5 now. You and Draco were friends, after the Yule ball your were hoping something more would happen but it never did. But most of your summer had been spent at Sirius Black's house as your parents were part of the order. Your parents had another meeting tonight, so you guys were going to have dinner over there tonight, Harry was also supposed to be arriving that night.

You guys made it and your parents went into the meeting sending you upstairs. You found Ginny in her room.

'Hi Ginny,' you said standing in her doorway, 'have you guys figured anything else out about what might be happening downstairs?'
'Hey (y/n), no we haven't,' she said this with a bit of a disappointing look.
'Well Harry's supposed to be coming tonight you excited?'
'Oh stop, it'll be nice to see him but you know he's just a friend.'
'Okay sure,' giving her a little nudge as Fred and George apparated into her room.
'(Y/n)'they chimed together!
'There's my favourite twins!'

You said hi to each other and rushed off to their room because they wanted to show you a new invention they had been working on. A bit later they decided to go to Ron's room because they thought Harry was there. They apparated down to his room leaving you a couple floors up having to walk down. Once you finally got there ...

'Blimey you couldn't have apparated with me,' you said this walking into Ron's room.
'Sorry,' they said together.
You realized Harry was there, 'Hi Harry!'
'Hi (y/n)'
You guys decided to try and listen to the meeting downstairs with and Extendable Ear but it soon got wrecked by Hermione's cat Crookshanks.

Mrs.Weasley cooked a wonderful dinner. But then there was a little argument as Sirius wanted to tell Harry about the order. You hoped Sirius would finish spilling but Madeye made sure he didn't.  Eventually it was time for you to go home. You said goodbye to everyone and apparated with your parents.

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