Apologies (part 1)

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It was the second week of June now. Draco staying with you had been kinda hushed up. Apparently Lucius hadn't talked about anything except work at work. Narcissa had wrote to Draco a couple times just checking how he was. About a week ago you had had Neville and Luna over, they were together now, finally! But Draco had been able to apologize for how he acted in the past and it turns out Neville and Draco really hit it off.

The Weasleys had invited you and your father to dinner on Saturday. They didn't know Draco was staying with you. Your father asked Molly and Arthur to come over this Thursday night quickly just so he could explain why Draco was staying with you, and give him a chance to clear the air between them.

Thursday night arrived and Murray got home from work bringing Molly and Arthur with him. You went into the front hall where they were, leaving Draco in the dining room.

'Hello!' You said and hugged them.
'Hello dear,' Molly said with a smile on her face.
'So what did you want to talk to us about Murray?'
'Well someone's been staying with us.'
They looked kinda confused

'Here come into the dining room and see.' You lead them into the dining room.
'Draco, I...Hello. ' Molly wasn't sure what to say.

'Hi Mrs.Weasley, Mr. Weasley.' He went and shook their hands.
'So, your obviously a little confused come and sit down.' Your father said gesturing at the table.

You guys explained the whole situation and the Weasleys understood, they were glad Draco was going to do what he wanted to do instead of following his father's plans. They asked if he could come to dinner to on Saturday.

'Oh yes of course dear.'Molly said.
'But Molly, Harry is staying with us.' Arthur said with a bit of concern.
'Oh yea well I was hoping to talk to him and your kids and apologize for how I behaved in the past it wasn't right,' Draco said.
'I think it'll be good, you should come,' Molly said looking at Draco.
They all agreed and said goodbye to Molly and Arthur and they left.

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