Hogwarts Holidays

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It was nearing Christmas time and you were going to be staying at Hogwarts this year, your parents thought it would be safer cause you had the protection of Dumbledore. The Weasleys got to go back home for the holidays, which you really didn't think was fair. Luna and what seemed to be that rest of your friends were going home too. So you make it your goal to give Draco a really fun Christmas holiday at Hogwarts.

You couldn't help but notice Draco seemed sad as the days went on, sometimes he would be staring off into nothing. Then when something happened to Katie Bell you couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with Draco.

It was the first day of Holidays, it was a Saturday morning but you unfortunately woke up early. You got dressed and went down to the great hall for breakfast which only had a few people so far. You went to your table wondering how boring this Holiday was actually going to be with no friends except for Draco. After you finished eating Draco walked in and went to the Slytherin table without noticing anything else. So you went over and got in a happy/energetic mood on the way over.

'Goodmorning!' You sat down beside him.
'Oh I didn't even notice you, Goodmorning (y/n),' he yawned and started getting some bacon.
'So how was your sleep?'
'It was pretty good and yours?'
'I slept great, although I woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep.'
'Well you seem energetic,' he smiled at you.
'I am kinda.' You guys chuckled. 'So what are you going to do today?'
'I don't know I just got up.' He said this and took a sip of his drink.

'This is going to be a really good holiday, Malfoy just wait and see.'
'What makes you say that?'
'We'll Potter isn't here so you don't have to worry about him and I don't have any friends here right now which leaves me stuck with you.' You poked him.
'Great.' He said this sarcastically making you guys both laugh.

After he finished eating you guys headed back to your common rooms agreeing to hang out later that day. Once you got to your common room you tried to think of some ideas to make the holiday fun.

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