Lay off it

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(This chapter is really short, sorry)

It was Halloween time now, things hadn't got much better for Draco, people were still either scared or disgusted with him. There was a few people that were cool with him though.

Seamus had laid off Draco a bit after the incident in the hall but still was annoying. It hadn't took long for the rumours to spread of what had happened either.

You were now walking into the Great Hall with Luna, Neville, and Draco. Some people were giving Draco stupid looks.

'Hey!' You weren't sure what you were doing but you had had enough. 'What's your problem with Draco? What did he ever do to you?'
People had gathered around now to see what was happening.

They mumbled something about not being sure he had done anything.
'(Y/n), it's okay,' Draco said trying to pull you aside. You shook him off.

'Everyone here, all of you, just listen to me for a second!'
You stood on a chair. 'Draco might have been rude in the past and he knows that, but he's trying to change.'
'Yea but what about his mark,' someone shouted.

'A mark on his arm doesn't define him, we should stop judging because of someone's past, parents, because of anything. I'm telling the truth when I say Draco Malfoy is a good person, he didn't want to be a death eater he had no choice. Now if everyone would please lay off him and just give him a chance. Okay?'

They mumbled in agreement.
'Good,' you got off the chair, Draco looked a bit embarrassed. 'I'm sorry.'
'No no, it's fine. It needed to be said, thank you.' He held your hand.
'Anytime.' You kissed him.

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