Yule Ball

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It was the day of the Yule Ball everyone was very excited. The girls spent the day getting ready. (Y/n) had a beautiful dress picked out. She had bought it in Hogsmade a few weeks ago with her friends. She had her hair half up and half down. When they decided they all looked good they headed down to the great hall.

'I can't believe your actually going with Malfoy,' Isabella, one of her friends chimed in.
'Izzy,' you said kinda annoyed, 'like I told you before he's really not all that horrible as he seems.'
'Don't judge books by their covers,' Luna added.
They got down to the great hall and found there dates waiting for them.

'Wow, (y/n) you look stunning,' Draco said smiling while looking her up and down.
'Thanks, you look really good too.'
They went into the great hall. They took their place at the side of the dance floor as the Triwizard Tournament participants came in with their dates. They started the first dance and people begun to join them.

'Can I have this dance?' Draco asked as he put out his hand.
'Of course.' You grabbed his hand and he lead you to the dance floor. You guys danced with his hand on you hip and yours on his shoulder. He was surprisingly really good at dancing.
You guys danced the night away,jumping around to the Weird Sisters and slow dancing hand in hand when the appropriate song came on.

Eventually it started to get late.
'Do you want to go for a walk,' Draco asked.
'Yea sure'

You guys went outside and walked around the garden. You talked about how much fun you were having and what you thought the next task might be. Eventually you started to get a bit cold. Draco put his robe around you while you guys made your way back up to the castle. He walked you up to your common room.

'I had a lot of fun,' you said with a huge smile on your face, 'thank you Draco.'
'My pleasure,' he said this smiling just as big.
'Oh here's your robe back' You handed him the robe.
'Oh right thanks!'
You kissed his cheek making him blush a bit.
'Goodnight (y/l/n)'
'Goodnight Malfoy'

He walked away. You went into your common room. Butterflies were filling your stomach but you ignored them as you went and collapsed into your bed.

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