Ninteen years later

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It was September 1. You put your arm around Draco as you called your kids downstairs to get going to platform 9 3/4.
'Scorpius,Jane we gotta go.'
'We're going to be late come on kids,' Draco said as they ran down the stairs.
'Do you guys have everything?'
They nodded.

You guys went to the station. Dashed through the platform and were standing beside the magical Hogwarts Express.
'Come on over here,' Draco said leading the kids.
'Now Scorpius you take of your sister, you know it's her first year.'
'I will,' he said giving Draco a hug.

'What if I'm now on your house?' Jane said looking up at her brother.
'It doesn't matter which house your in they'll be lucky to have you,' (y/n) hugged Jane.
'They all have something amazing to offer and we'll be proud of you no matter what,' Draco said hugging Jane as well.
Jane smiled.

'Now you guys have fun.' Draco said standing back up.
'Don't forget to write,' you said as Scorpius helped Jane with her trunk.
'Of course Mum, I always do,' he smiled and got on the train.
Jane ran and have you guys one more hug and left for the train too.

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