Welcome home.

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You got upstairs to Draco's room and started to help him pack. A few minutes later his mom came up to his room.
'Your really going to leave Draco?'
'Do I have a choice?' He said shoving more clothes in his trunk.

'I'm sorry.'
'Mum don't be, you always tried your best and I appreciate you for that, I don't know what I would have done without you. Thank you.'
They hugged each other.

'(Y/n), we haven't properly met and I know these aren't the best circumstances but hi.' She reached out her hand and you shook it.
'Pleasure to meet you Mrs.Malfoy.'
'Your good for Draco, thank you for staying by his side.'
'Of course.'

'Where are you going to stay Draco?' Narcissa asked and you realized he hadn't told you either.
'(Y/n)'s,' he said this very casually and looked up at you.
'Yes, of course you can.' You smiled.
Draco said he was done packing, you guys said goodbye to Narcissa and went to your house.

You got into your house. Draco grunted with pain.

'What's wrong?'
'My arm,' he pulled back his sleeve and his dark mark turned into what looked like a muggle tattoo. 'Does this mean...'
'I think he's dead!' You said smiling and hugged Draco. Your smile faded.
'I should get back to Hogwarts, my father, and my-'

Draco grabbed your hand and apperated to Hogwarts. You ran into the Great Hall and found your father.

'Dad, is you know who dead?'
'Yes, finally!'
You hugged him.

'You should go home, okay (y/n).'
'There's a lot to do and your in no shape to do anything. I can tell your very tired it'll be best for you.'
'Okay,' you modded your head knowing he was right. 'Is everyone else okay?'
'Yes they are.'

Draco cleared his throat.
'Oh right, Draco just got kicked out, that's another long story, but would it be okay if he stayed with us for a while?'
'Yea I think that'll be alright.'
'Thank you, Mr.(y/l/n)!' They shook hands.
'We'll get to know each other better when I get home alright?'
'Yea sure,' Draco said then smiled at you.
You and Draco apperated back home.

'Welcome home I guess,' you said putting your arms out.
'Thanks, I should've asked this before but do you have a bed or can I sleep on the couch?'
You laughed. 'We have a guest room, it's yours now. I'll help you bring your stuff up.'

You guys brought Draco's things up to his room and went back down to the kitchen.
'I'll give you a tour tomorrow, I'm too tired to do it now.'
'That's okay, you look really tired, do you want to go to bed?'
'Not yet.' 
'Well then, what do you want to do?'
'I don't know,' you scoffed.

'Look (y/n), I'm really sorry about everything, it wasn't fair to barely talk to you for a year and then when I do show up I'm suddenly asking to live with you. I should've stood up to my dead along time ago.'
'It's okay, I love you and I'm so glad everything is going to somehow work out.'

'I love you (y/n) I don't know how I got so lucky, I really don't think I deserve you.'
'Of course you do.' You kissed him.

A bit later you guys went to bed. Your dad came home not long after you fell asleep. Everyone in your house cried that night before falling asleep but things would get better eventually.

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