Dumbledore's Army

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You and Draco snuck to the empty classroom across from the library a lot, just to hang out alone and study sometimes. It was fun sneaking around to keep your relationship a secret. You walked into the classroom...

'There's my perfect prefect!' Draco said this and ran over to give you a hug.
'Hi,' you hugged him back then you guys went and sat down, 'I don't know how useful us prefects will actually be now that Umbridge is around.'
'Well maybe she'll do some good for the school?'
'You really think that Malfoy?'
'No (y/l/n), your right.'

They smiled and started kissing. But halfway through snogging they realized what time it was and dashed off to class.

Later that day you had your first meeting in what was called Dumbledore's Army. Harry was going to teach you guys how to really defend yourselves. You were excited but didn't dare tell Draco, you knew he would turn in Potter right away. You went to the meeting with Luna and had a really great time.

You guys continued to have those meetings, though things in Hogwarts just seemed to get worse with Professor Umbridge around. Draco had tried to get you to join him in becoming a member of the Inquisitorial Squad. You refused, but he joined anyway. You guys seemed to have less and less time to hang out the past few weeks.

You were in the middle of a Dumbledore's Army meeting when the wall got busted down. You saw Draco holding Cho who had clearly snitched. He noticed you and his expression fell to a look of confusion. You looked back at him in a sympathetic way. He shook his head and looked at someone else. Crabbe grabbed you and brought you along with other members to Professor Umbridge's office.

She eventually dismissed you, but you had detention the next night. She had someone walk you and some other Ravenclaws back to you common room. You were worried about everyone else and wanted to go back but when you looked in the hall you saw some of the Inquisitorial Squad members guarding the common room door. You slowly made your way up to bed getting a really horrible sleep.

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