The long haul

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It was the summer now. You didn't have much to do but today was Draco's birthday. He hadn't sent any letters but neither had you.
Your parents were at work and since your birthday had been in May it meant you were 17 and able to apperate . After half an hour of changing your mind you decided to risk it and apperate to his house.

With a swish you landed in his bedroom where Draco was heading to his door but quickly turned around.
'(Y/n)!' He closed the door and walked over to you.
'Draco!' You hugged him. 'I missed you so much'
'I missed you too, but what are you doing here it's not safe.'
'I had to see you to make sure you were okay, and to say Happy Birthday Malfoy.'
'Oh right thank you.'
'I'm sorry I didn't get a present.'
'It's okay you being here is a present enough.'
You guys smiled at each other. Then heard someone walking up the stairs.
'You really have to go now tho. My house is being used as a meeting place for the Death Eaters so there constantly here along with the Dark Lord. Oh, and don't write, my mail is checked by father. Go now i'll be okay.'
There was a knock on the door, it was Narcissa wondering if Draco was ready for the meeting.
'I love you Draco.'
'I love you too (y/n)'
There was another knock. Draco looked at the door and when he looked back to where you were you had already apperated away.

The summer went by with no word from Draco. You were going to the Burrow with your parents tomorrow to help prepare for Bill and Fleur's wedding. You decided to read a book to maybe help get your mind off it so as you were heading upstairs you heard a swoosh and turned around to see Draco.

You ran over and hugged him.
'I don't have much time before someone notices I've left, but I had to see you.' He pulled you in closer.
You kissed him.
'Aunt Bellatrix is driving my crazy, I don't know why I even say Aunt I hate her!'
'I can't imagine, I'm so glad your still safe and alive.'
He smiled and brushed your cheek with his thumb.
'Are you going back to Hogwarts?'
'Yea I am, not sure why it's all kinda confusing but I am.'
'Oh no, Snape is the new headmaster. You'll be treated like dirt, pure blood or not. Some people might stand a chance if they're in Slytherin but it'll be horrible.'
'Your not going back are you?'
'No I'm not, but stay safe okay (y/n)?'
'I will as long as you do too.'
'I have to go now I love you.'
'I love you.'
He apperated away.

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