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Today was the day you left for Hogwarts. You hardly got any sleep that night but were full of excitement and a bit nervous. You arrived at King's Cross Station which seemed to be packed with muggles. You ran through the wall and arrived onto platform 9 3/4, the Hogwarts Express seemed magical. You were very excited to start your journey. You quickly said goodbye to your parents. Your father told you he had the time of his life there and you would to it would be nothing to worry about. Your mother reminded you to write. They had got you an owl for your 11th birthday knowing you would need it when you did go to Hogwarts.

You brought your stuff onto the train. It was quite full and everywhere you seemed to go there was either people or someone's luggage waiting for the owner to return. You were hoping to sit with Ron but couldn't find him anywhere. You found a compartment with a blonde haired girl that looked around your age.

'Do you mind if I sit here?'
She looked up, 'no go ahead,' she said with a friendly smile. 'My names Luna Lovegood.'
'I'm (y/n) (y/l/n) it's a pleasure to meet you. Is this your first year as well?'
'Yes it is.'
You guys began talking to her along the trip. You talked about Hogwarts, Dumbledore, your family, and the Quibbler. You forgot all about seeing if Ron got on the train. Before you knew it you were following a big hairy guy, Hagrid, and being swept across the lake in a boat. You saw Ron in a boat not far from yours. He waved and started mouthing he was sitting beside Harry Potter. You were shocked but laughed.

Eventually you were waiting to enter the great hall. You were standing in the middle of the crowd talking to Luna when everyone got kinda quite. That Malfoy kid was talking to Ron and Harry. He wasn't being very nice you were going to say something, but decided you best be quite.

A teacher came in and brought you into the Great Hall it was magnificent. More beautiful than you ever thought it would be. You suddenly realized how nervous you were to be sorted too. The Sorting Hat sang a song. Luna got sorted into Ravenclaw, Harry and Ron into Gryffindor, and Draco into Slytherin(what a surprise you thought). It was your turn. You hoped you would be in Gryffindor with the Weasleys.

It started to speak to you. 'Now what should I put you in, courageous I see. Very intelligent indeed.But very loyal as well. Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw which will it be?'

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