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Draco hadn't wrote to you much over the summer but it was okay. It was kinda difficult to write letters to each other since you were hiding your relationship from everyone.

Everything would be okay soon tho, you were heading back to Hogwarts the next day, you put your prefect badge in your trunk and went to sleep excited for whatever was to come.

The next day you were back in your regular compartment sitting with Neville,Ginny, and Luna. It was time for your prefect meeting, you went to the meeting but before going back to your compartment you and Draco snuck in an empty compartment.

'It's so good to see your face again,' you said giving him a kiss.
He put his hands on your hips and looked at you, 'I really missed you'
'I know, I missed you too!'
'Okay, but I really should be getting back (y/n), we'll find a time to talk once we get to Hogwarts okay?'
'Fine,' you said this as you gave a little pout but he kissed you and left.

You went back to your compartment there was a weird puff of black smoke that came from the back of the train, but it quickly vanished. You picked up the Quibbler Luna had given you and read the rest of the way to Hogwarts.

You got to Hogwarts, loads of precautions had been taken to prevent you know who. Professor Flitwick had to take all our name as we entered, even tho he clearly knew who you were. The start of year feast was lovely as usual. Dumbledore also gave everyone the shocking news that Snape was the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and a new teacher, Slughorn, would be the potions teacher.

It was your first potions lesson with the new teacher Slughorn. Today he was showing you three different potions.

'Can anyone tell me what this one does?' Professor Slughorn looked around the room and called on Hermione once again. She was quick to answer. It was a strong love potion called Amortentia. It smelt like what attracted you.

He asked if anyone else wanted to give and example of what they smelt since all the girls had slowly been walking towards it before he put the lid on. He pointed at you.

'Oh um okay,' you stepped forward.
'Now what do your smell Ms.(y/l/n)?'
'I smell, uh, peppermint and green apples.'
'Excellent, anyone else?'

You are stepped back and glanced at Draco, he was smirking at you. You rolled your eyes and focused on Professor Slughorn.

You felt like you were being watched you turned around to see Ron giving you a confused look. You gave him the same look and turned around focusing on Hermione who was now explains Felix Felicis.

Professor Slughorn gave everyone the task of making a potion and the best one would receive a bottle of that liquid luck. You tried to get Draco's attention but he was focusing really hard on the potion, but surprisingly Harry ended up winning.

As you were leaving the dungeons Ron pulled you aside.
'What was that?'
'What do you mean,' you asked pretending you didn't already know.
'Peppermint and green apples, is that not Malfoy?'
'Oh come on, don't you think I would tell you if there was something going on between us.Your like family Ron.'
'That's true'
You ran off before he could question you further.

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