Apologies (part 2)

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It was Saturday now, they were getting ready to go to dinner at the Weasleys.
'Are you nervous?' (Y/n) asked Draco as he came out of his bedroom.
'A little, I mean the worst that could happen is they don't accept my apology. Which they have every right not too.' He shrugged.
'Well let's go, we're using the floo network.'

Meanwhile at the Weasleys...
'Mum, why is there a extra chair at the table?' Ginny asked counting again.
'Oh well, we have an extra guest. You'll see when he arrives.' Molly said putting her hand on Ginny's back. Ginny had a feeling she knew who it was tho.

You guys arrived at the Weasleys with a very shocked looking George,Ginny,Harry, Ron, and Hermione as Draco came out of the fire place.
'Blimey, what is he doing here?' Ron asked this.
Arthur took a step forward to welcome them, 'Relax Ron, Draco has a few things to say and we'll get to that eventually.' He shook Draco's hand and gave him a weak smile, Draco returned it.

Everyone said some awkward hellos and Molly asked if who Draco wanted to talk to first. He said Ginny and George. George lead them outback where it would be quieter to talk.

'So?' George asked when they got out.
'Look, I was jerk as a child.'
Ginny scoffed.
'I want to apologize, it wasn't right and I was always listening to my father and what he wanted me to be. But I'm done with him and being a bad person. I'm staying with Murray and (y/n) right now, and I'm sorry for how I treated you guys.'

'Well it'll be hard but I know how much (y/n) likes you, so for that reason, I accept your apology,' Ginny said and smiled at him.
'Thank you, Ginny!'

'What about you George?' Ginny asked looking at him now.
'Well (y/n) is like a younger sister to me, so if she believes you can be a better person then I guess your alright Malfoy.' He put out his hand to Draco, he shook it.
'Do you want us to send someone else out?' Ginny said while walking in the house.
'Ron and Hermione please.'

Ron and Hermione came out.
'So what do you want to Malfoy,' Ron asked looking a bit annoyed.
'To apologize, *he explained everything and how he always idolized his father even tho he was wrong and that he was a real jerk but (y/n) helped open his eyes*, So Ron I'm really sorry. Hermione I'm also really sorry, we all know your a better wizard than I could ever be.'
Hermione gave a little laugh.
'Thanks for apologizing,' she nodded and smiled at him. Draco smiled back then they looked at Ron.
'Fine, I accept your apology but it's gonna take a bit to actually forgive you.'
'Of course and I understand that.' Malfoy said and Ron shook his hand.

'Funny, the last place I'd expect you to be is at my house,' Ron said and they all laughed.
'Can you send out Harry next?'
They nodded and went to get him.

Harry came out. They looked at each other awkwardly.
'Hi,' Draco said breaking the silence.
'So I want to apologize,'Draco said.
'Well then go ahead.'
'My whole life I idolized my father but he was so wrong and I never realized that. Which made me be a real jerk as a kid. I hated you and spent so much time dwelling on that when it really didn't matter. (Y/n) helped me realize life could be better. I'm staying with her and Murray right now. I finally stood up to my father and then I got kicked out.'

'Really?' Harry asked looking a little shocked.
'Yea, but back to the point, I treated you really horribly and I shouldn't have, I did and said a lot of bad things. It's going to take time for me to pay for my mistakes and I understand it might take time for you to forgive me, but I'm really sorry Harry. For everything I'm really truly sorry.'

'Thanks Malfoy, now I don't know if we'll ever be friends but for right now, I think we're okay.' Harry put his hand out for Draco to shake. Draco looked at it and shook his hand.
'Oh and thanks for saving my life by the way.'
'Oh right, no worries.' Harry said and they chuckled.

They went back inside.
'Good?' You asked as Draco came and sat beside you.
'Yea really good.' You guys smiled at each other.
Everyone had a really good time and you went back to your house that night with your stomachs full.

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