Meeting him.

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You pulled your hair into a ponytail excited to be going to Diagon Alley again. You've been there a couple times before but today was different you were getting school stuff. Your family used floo powder to get there. You were going to be meeting the Weasleys later for some ice cream they were your parents friends, practically family really.

You got there and decided to get a wand first. You entered Ollivander's and got startled a bit when a man came around the corner on a ladder.

'Ah (y/n) (y/l/n),' Ollivander's said walking up to you, 'I've been expecting you.'
'Oh really,' you murmured as he pulled out a measuring tape and it started measuring you.
'Nice to see you again Mr.Ollivander,' your father added maybe trying to make small talk.
'Let's see this one shares this shares the same core as your father's.' He handed her the wand she swished it and some wands fell off the shelf. She tried another one similar to her mother's it again was a fail. She finally found a wand. 

They went and got her school stuff and it was just her robes left to get. Her parents let her get those by herself, she was going to meet them and the Weasleys at the ice cream shop when she was done. She went into Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions.

Madam Malkin greeted you and brought you to a stool to get you fitted. Once she was nearly done another boy came in. He looked wealthy. He had platinum blonde hair and a bit of a pale face. Madam Malkin got him to stand on the stool beside you as she ran to get more pins.

'Names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy,' the boy said reaching out his hand, 'and who might you be?'
You shook his hand quickly 'I'm (y/n)(y/l/n), is this going to be your first year at Hogwarts too?'
'Yes, I bet I'll be in Slytherin, what house do you think you'll be in?'
'I'm not sure.' You said this realizing you actually had no idea.
'What's with you accent?'
'Oh yea, my moms from Canada. I can switch between the two accents easily.'
'Oh I see, is she a muggle? Cause I'm a pure blood!'
'No, I'm a pure blood too, not that it matters!'
Madam Malkin announced that she had finished your robes and you could go now. You waved good bye to the boy, you weren't sure what to this of him.

You went and got ice cream with the Weasleys and your family. You told Ron and Ginny about the boy you met.
'Oh yea, that must be Lucius Malfoy's son.' exclaimed Ron.
'Oh right, I knew I heard the name Malfoy somewhere before.'
But before you could talk more about it the subject was changed as Fred and George started telling jokes.

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