Back again

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That weekend Draco and (y/n) went to Diagon Alley with Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Hermione to get your school supplies.

You guys had a great time, you saw Neville and Luna there too and hung out with them for a bit.

It was September first now and you just arrived at King Cross station with your father and Draco. There was a lot of muggles there per usual, you stopped before going into platform 9 3/4.

'You ready?' (Y/n) looked over at Draco.
'Yes I've just never done this with out my parents, together?'
'Together.' You counted to three and ran through the barrier your Father not far behind. Everyone seemed more happier than usual in the station. You smiled at some of the nervous first years.

'Well thank you for everything Murray, I don't know what I would have done if you guys hadn't helped me.'
'Of course now you have a good year son.'
'Thanks.' Draco and Murray hugged. 'I'll bring our stuff on the train. Draco walked away.

'Are you going to be okay?' You asked your father.
'Of course I am, don't worry about me just go and have fun, don't forget to write.'
'I won't,' you guys smiled at each other then he gave you a hug, 'I love you Dad.'
'I love you too (y/n)'
Giving him one last hug and a wave you went on the train and found Draco.

'Oh Hi Neville, hi Luna!' You said, Draco was sitting in the compartment with them.
'Hi (y/n),' Luna said.
Neville waved.
You sat down and the begun the ride to Hogwarts. It felt weird to be back, but this time was your last year and you were determined to make it a good one. Everyone talked and had a good time on the way. You got there and headed to the Great Hall, everything was back to normal and you felt at home. Everyone had a great feast and welcomed the first years. You and the other prefect led them to the common room.

The next day (y/n) was walking down the hallway and a bunch of first years hit you in the face (by accident) with a spell.

'Bloody hell,' you touched your lip to see it was bleeding.
'Oh, sorry,' a first year said.
'Watch where your casting, 5 points from Gryfinndor.'
Draco was also walking down the hall, he saw what happened and came over to you.

'Alright (y/l/n)?'
'Yes fine.'
He put his hand on your face with his thumb on your lip, 'let me see.' He cast a spell and the cut healed. 'Better?'

'Yes thanks.'
'Good,' he let his hand fall down your neck and took it off when it reached the top of your chess. He wakes away winking at you.

The first years started giggling to themselves,
'Don't make me make it 10 points.'
They looked worried and ran off.

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