Will you...

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It was Year 5 now back on the train to Hogwarts again.  Sitting in an empty compartment waiting for your friends. Draco walked by and then backed up and came inside.

'Mind if I sit for a minute?' He asked this as he was sitting down.
'Uh no, what's up Malfoy?'
'Okay, (y/n) there's no hiding the fact that I like you.'
'Really, I like you to!'
'Why do you have to be a bloody Ravenclaw?'
'I- there's nothing I can do about that now is there.'
'Ugh,' he was rubbing his head and looked confused, 'oh look now Crabbe and Goyle are coming,I gotta go.' He got up and left before you could say anything else.

You sat there trying to wrap your head around what had just happened but forgot about it as Ginny, Neville, and Luna found you.

Later that week your were in DADA with the horrible new teacher Professor Umbridge and a note fell on your desk.

Meet me outside after class

You looked up at him and nodded. After class you headed outside. He led you to a tree at the side of the castle before talking to you.

'Look I'm sorry about what happened on the train.'
'It's okay but do you actually like my Draco, like as more than friends?'
'Yea I do (y/n),' he looked up at you and then back at the ground, 'but my father wouldn't approve of me dating a Ravenclaw.'
'Why does he have to know,' you said this while putting your hand on his chin to get him to look at you. 'We can keep it a secret for now.'
He kissed you.
'Will you be my girlfriend (y/n)?'
'Yes!' You hugged him happily.

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