Going Public

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It was the day after everything happened with Draco. It was Saturday now, you guys were going to be open with your relationship starting today. You went down to the great hall for breakfast but before you could go in you heard Draco call your name as he ran up the stairs from the dungeons.

'Hi Malfoy,' you said walking over to him.
'Morning kiss?'
'Of course,' he kissed you. Some people going in the Great Hall looked with surprised expressions on their faces.
'You ready?' He asked as he held your hand.
You guys walked into the great hall holding hands then went and sat down at your separate tables. The best thing was seeing the look on Pansy's face. You sat down at the Ravenclaw table.

'Your with Draco!?' Cho asked sliding down the bench towards you.
'Yea I am,' you smiled.
'It really only was a matter of time before this happened,' Luna said this smirking while she took a bite of her breakfast.

After breakfast you were stopped going out of the hall by a very confused looking Ron and a curious Ginny.

'Yes?' You asked knowing what was about to happen.
'Bloody hell are you really with Malfoy?' Ron asked looking bewildered.
'Yea I am.'
'Isn't he a bit mean?' Ginny asked.
'Well not to me, I know you guys don't get along but he's really not that bad once you get to know him.'

'You've got to be out of your mind to date him!'
Ron had his hands on his head.
'Well I would like to here more.'
'Well then come one Ginny I'll tell you,' you walked off with Ginny leaving Ron there looking more confused then when he came to you.

You told Ginny about how much you liked Draco and that he really wasn't that bad he just put on a tough act because he wanted to be okay for his father. She was okay with you dating him.

Later that day you were walking outside with your friends past a tree.
'Hey (y/n),' he jumped out of the tree and walked over to you his friends following.
'Hi Draco.'
'I grabbed your book by accident after class yesterday, so here you go.'
'Oh thanks,' you said and put the book in your bag. Next thing you know Pansy was storming over to you.

She stopped right in front of you. 'Hey (y/n) just so you know I don't like you very much.'
'What are we 12, but yea just so you know too I always thought you were a bit of a bitch.'
Draco did the who who who thing and looked at his friends. Pansy looked like she wasn't expecting that.

'Shut up (y/n)!'
'Mad I got your little crush?'
'You filthy little prude!'
'How would you feel if I did this,' you walked over to Draco and passionately kissed him then grabbed your stuff winked at Pansy and walked away with your friends.

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