Second Chances

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This chapter is a bit spicy but you can skip over that part of you want and go to the last half.

It was the beginning of July now and your dad was at work. Your were reading on a stool at the counter in the kitchen when Draco walked in. He walked over to you and ran his hands down your arms and kissed your neck. You got chills as he started to whisper in your ear.

'There's something we haven't done (y/n).'
'Yes,' he kissed you neck again.
You spun around in the stool and started to kiss him. He picked you up and your wrapped you arms around the neck. You guys kept kissing as he carried you up the stairs.

Once you got up there he closed his bedroom door and slammed you against it.
You kept kissing. He brought you to the bed. He took off your shirt. You laid down on the bed Draco following as he ripped his shirt off with one hand over his head.

He kissed you and your rand your hands through his hair and around his shoulder blades. He kept kissing you and went further down your body. The next bit was filled with a lot moans but you finished cuddling.

'Your really beautiful (y/n).'
'Well your really handsome, and I love you,' you slowly kissed him.
'I love you too.'

An owl started pecking on the window.
'Ugh, what now,' you said as you got up and threw Draco's t-shirt on quickly then went and opened the window. The owl dropped the letters and flew away.

'What is is?' Draco asked as he sat up in the bed.
'It's from Hogwarts,' you tossed him his letter as you sat back down beside him. Then you both ripped open your letters.

'Oh my gosh they want us to go back!' You were really excited but Draco didn't seem as happy as you. 'What's wrong?'
'Well as great as it would be to go back, I made a lot of bad decisions there.'

(Y/n) put her hand on his face. 'You have a second chance Draco, I think you should take it.' You smiled at him and put your hand back down.

'Why are you always right.'
'Plus they want me to be a prefect again, so if anyone bullies you 50 points from their house.'
You guys laughed.

Later when Murray got home he said you should both go back it would be nice to redo your 7th year and in Draco's case to actually get a 7th year. You guys agreed and sent you reply to Professor McGonegal.

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