He talks...

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Ron left you alone about the whole Draco thing but you still saw him eyeing you suspiciously sometimes. But it was a few days later, you were  in Transfiguration and had been paired up with Draco.

'I swear if Weasley doesn't stop looking at us!'
'Relax Malfoy, he just thinks there's something going on between us.'
'Why does he think that?'
'Because of the Amortentia'
'Oh,' he opened his book and started focusing on what we were supposed to be doing.

'But would it really be that bad? If we went public I mean, can we?'
'I don't know,can we talk about it later?

You guys went back to focusing on your work. Later that day tho you guys met in your old spot, the empty classroom across from the library. You went in, Draco was already there but looked kinda worried.

'Are you okay?' You asked rushing over to him.
'We should break up.' He hardly looked at you and glanced back down at your shoes again.
You felt your eyes start to well up with tears.

'Why on earth would we do that!'
'I don't want you to get hurt!' He stood up and looked at you. 'I have to keep you safe,' his voice had a softer tone than when he started.
You looked him right in the eyes, you spoke in a calmer tone now 'and why would I get hurt?'
Draco didn't answer.

'What do you have to keep me safe from?' You asked, determined for an answer.
He looked around as bit his lip but then walked over to you. He looked scared. He then lifted up his sleeve. You gave a little gasp but looked back up at him.

'I'm a bad person okay,' his eyes started filling with tears too, 'you can't be with me it won't be safe.'
'I don't have a choice, he choose me.'
Draco broke down and started crying. He was sitting on the floor now.

You went over to him and gave him a hug letting him cry into you. You felt really bad for him, you'd never seen him be upset, you now tried to speak in a soft voice.

'Who chose you? You know who?
'Yes, I don't want to be a death eater but my father made me.'
'Okay what do you mean that he chose you?'
'I have to do something, and the dark lord chose me out of everyone else.'

'What is it?'
'I can't tell you, but if I don't do it he'll kill me.'
'So this task-'
'I can't tell you I'm sorry (y/n).' He looked at you now. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Don't be sorry,' you put your hand on his face.
'It's my chance to prove myself, and he chose me, out of everyone he chose me.'
'(Y/n) you should go now.'
'Draco Lucius Malfoy listen to me for a second okay?'

He sat up across from you, you took his hands and held them.
'I still love you and I always will, I know you Draco and I believe you will make the right decision. I don't care if you have some mark on your arm, that doesn't take away from who you truly are. Now please stay with me.'
'I love you (y/n), I can't get rid of you I don't know why I would be that stupid.'

You chuckled and he kissed you. You gave him another hug.
He whispered in your ear, 'let's actually go public to the school at least.'
'Okay' you smiled at him.

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