29. Freddy's discovery

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Note: this part is written from 3rd person view.

Also, Y/P means your pronoun

It was starting to dawn now. Freddy stretched in his bed. He had a good rest physically and mentally. Even when in the dream realm roaming around can get tiring, ya know?

He got out and turned to see that Y/N wasn't by his side.
"Huh, well someone is up early. Probably making breakfast."

He grinned at that thought, really hoping it was true. Especially with his stomach growling at that idea.

He gets up and walks down the hallway expecting to see Y/N either cooking or already eating breakfast. But he was only greeted with silence. He walked into the living room. It was abandoned.

"Weird," he thought out loud "where did Y/P go."

He looked out the window blinds to see that the car was missing. Did Y/N leave? He was thrown off. Where would Y/P go? Why did Y/P leave in the first place??? Then he remembered how Y/P was talking about asking Y/P friends to help.

"Please don't tell me she decided to do so. Did that mean Y/P disobeyed me? How could y/p- "

Freddy looked out the window again. And then on his watch. If Y/N isn't here it's safe to assume that her 'friends" gave her in. Now Y/P is in trouble. Also, this means that they, the police, or whoever took in Y/N must have the car. Could they possibly be able to track him down because of GPS? Since it's probably in the history of it right? Damn, can't go anywhere safe now huh.

Freddy got dressed and put on some extra warm gear and a scarf with a beanie to blend in better. He was planning to track down Y/N. How was he going to do that? He wasn't sure. But he had to do so Asap before something bad would happen.

A/N okay super short chapter. But no worries I'll be sure to make the next ones longer. Hope you Enjoy the read!

Published: December 28 2020
Edited: May 20 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now