27. Discussing the plan

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You wake up, no, you appear in the dream realm. You were on the catwalk with Freddy right beside you. He gave you a small smile as you looked at him. You nod in reply.

"Okay so, first off, thanks for the place to stay." You spoke. "Since when did you even own this little house?"

"It's a cabin. It used to belong to an old friend of mine and he sold it to me for a good discount."

While speaking Freddy teleported you and himself into the red room again where you both sitting on the couch.

"I used it to camp with my family sometimes. That was long ago."

You were surprised. "Wait, you had a family?"

He nodded in reply. "I was a married man. I even had a kid. But... after my wife found out about my dark secret I... had to get rid of her. My daughter was fine, but she was taken away. For obvious reasons." He looked upset.

You wanted to ask him more questions, but you decided not to bother him. He cleared his throat and tried to change the mood.

"So! Let's go over our situation. We know that Nancy has somehow figured out how to drug the whole town with hypnocil. We can't stay at your place and even though we can stay here it may be too dangerous. But that's not the point."

He gets comfier and scoots towards you. You don't mind. You lean towards him a bit in response. He continues.

"So she said that she puts hypnocil into the food?"

You nod.

"Okay, that means she has access to all the food before it gets sold to the stores in the town. Which means that she has to be involved with the distributors of the food."

You listen intently and step in.

"So to stop it, we have to find where the distributors are. We find their base, figure out how Nancy adds all that hypnocil, and stop it!"

He smirked at your input.

"Yeah, their base is their warehouse. Seems great except we don't have internet access to look up the distributers compony or warehouse location."

His mood immediately turned sour. You felt awkward.

"Well, maybe I can try to ask my friends-?"

He cuts you off. "Too risky. They would most likely try to report you since you will most definitely be on the news for being a suspect. Or missing person."

You shook your head. No, you knew Kyle would have your back (The one who gave you the computer) You shook your head, scared a bit that Freddy might look into your thoughts. But he was zoned out. You looked around the room and sighed. It was pretty quiet. Suddenly an idea sparked in your head.

"Hey Fred, can't we just imagine a computer. And go from there."

You thought this was a pretty clever idea but Freddy instantly replied.

"The only limit here is your brain. Meaning that even if we were to do that and even imagine that it has internet it won't be possible because we are looking for information that isn't in our heads."

Well, that sucks.

Freddy went back to thinking.

You start walking around the room trying to come up with something as well. But nothing seemed to come to your head except Kyle. You were sure he had your back. You even remembered how your friend told you he had a crush on you. Haha, yeah he will most definitely cover for you. But you didn't want to tell Freddy in case he tries to stop you again. So you hatched a plan. You were going to wake up early. Very early. You were going to drive to Kyle's house and sneak in through his window. And then use his computer to search.

"Okay, search the food company the distributers work for and the location of their warehouse." You murmur to yourself.

"What was that?" Freddy asked.

"Oh uh, I was just going over our plan that's all."

He nods, buying your lie. He then gets up and stretches.

"Listen, why don't we take a day off. Since we are resting our physical bodies we can rest our minds as well. You go on, have your dreams. And I'll just rest. Sounds good?"


"Yeah, sure." You reply cheerfully.

He nods and disappears. You end up in (Your favorite place).

Okay, this is your chance. You wake up and look over. Freddy was sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of your doings. You smile and carefully sneak out of the room and head to the door. You put on your shoes and takes the car keys. The engine rumbled and you slowly pulled out behind the cabin after setting the GPS to Kyle's address.

You drove anxiously. What if Freddy wakes up before you get back? What if he gets mad? Oh, he shouldn't be too pissed if you had the information. Besides you could do all this without worrying Kyle, just sneak into his room and look up all that info yourself, delete the search history and drive back.

After some time you finally make it to Kyle's house. You park your car not too far away, get out, and sneak to his window.

He lived on the first floor, in the garage. You peek into the small window and see that he is awake doing something on his computer. You knock on his window lightly. He looks up and sees you. He almost jumped, clearly startled by your presence. You open the window a little and whisper to him.

"Hey Kyle, It's me, (Y/N). Hope you don't mind me barging in like that."

He runs up to the window and opens it almost yelling. "What are you doing here!? Don't you know you're being looked for!?"

You hiss at him to shut him up. "Listen! Yes, I'm aware and I just need a little assistance. Whatever they said about me is a lie and I want to prove my innocence, but to do that I'm going to need your computer!"

He was taken aback. "Again?"

You rolled your eyes and nodded. "Yeah. But I just need it for a few minutes. That's it. You cool with that?"

He seemed unsure.

You huffed in irritation. "Ugh. Remember when you told me you always had my back? Well, here is your chance to prove it."

You clearly hit a nerve because he quickly scurried and opened the side garage door to let you in.

You walk in and sit down at his computer and open google. He just awkwardly scooches away saying "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." You just ignore him and go on searching.

In just 3 minutes you had all the information down. The location of the main warehouse that was responsible for all the products that would be in your little town was located by a waterfall river. You write the address on paper and shove it in your pocket. Great! Now all you had to do was go hop back into your car and drive back to the cabin before Freddy wakes up. It was only 3 AM. You had time.

You get up and feel... tense. It was very quiet. "Kyle?"

He wasn't anywhere to be seen. You try to shrug it off and head towards the door. But before you can touch the handle it bursts open and you get tackled but a bunch of men in black.

"Wait what!?" You screamed trying to struggle free. You were slammed into the grown with your arms being aggressively twisted behind your back. You look over to see Kyle looking at you from afar with fear while holding a phone.

"Kyle, what are you doing?! I trusted you!" You yelled at him while trying to get up.

He shook his head in fear. The last thing you saw was his cowardly face before being knocked out unconscious.

A/N: oooohohooohohooho DRAMA TIME. anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. I just wanna say a HUUUUUGE thank you for all the amazing and hilarious comments I received on my previous chapters, they were a blast to read! and a welcome to all my new readers! I'm glad you are enjoying this book and want to see more chapters! Okay, that's all for now, Thanks for the 8k reads!!!

Published: December 9, 2020
Edited: May 20, 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now