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HEY YALL!!! OMG OK SO UH, LOTS OF LIFE STUFF HAPPENED AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS FIC BUT I JUST RECENTLY LOGGED BACK INTO WATTPAD AND I DID NOT EXPECT DO GET SO MUCH ATTENTION AND LOVE FOR THIS STUPID FAN FIC I WROTE IN LIKE 2017(??) BUT YEAH, I decided I'll actually finish this fanfic even though it's a bit stupid and all, HAH, so yeah, I have the whole plot outlined now and I'll try to update monthly (because I'm currently very busy with collage and shiz)

So yeah. TYSM for reading my FIC and all, your comments were amazing and a blast to read 🤣🤣🤣  Love y'all!!!

I might go back and edit some of my older chapters bc I KNOW I have some stupid typos there lol.

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now