24. The appointment

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You heard the muffled ring sound inside the house followed by a hassled pacing. The blue door opens wide with Nancy showing herself off in all her glory. She looks okay, she was wearing a formal white shirt and a skirt as if to be an airplane stewardess. But her hair looked like it was in a hurricane and her eyes were pretty twitchy.

Your ear pod crackles as Freddy asks:

"How does she looks?"

Is he serious? How do you tell him that in this situation?

But you try either way.

"Oh hello Nancy, you look gorgeous, your outfit reminds me that I'm about to take off in an airplane but I shouldn't worry about that because a good look stewardess like you is here."

Seriously? You mentally facepalm yourself. I couldn't have just said she looks like a stewardess?

You hear Freddy laugh.

"Nice pick-up line." He cackles.

She smiles, clearly flattered. Looks like her running on coffee prevented her from realizing how ridiculous that remark sounded.

You walk into her house and enter a hallway. You both walk and enter a small sunroom containing a small round coffee table with some tea on top and two chairs. You sit down and watch as Nancy takes some tea and sits down as well.

After a moment of silence, she puts down the tea, folds her hands, and asks.

"So what is bothering you about the pills? You mentioned in the call that you had headaches. Was there anything else?"

You shook her head. "Nope. Just some small headaches after I would take the pill."

Nancy nodded and went up to get a bag and take something out of it.

You get distracted by a crackle in your headphone as Freddy talks to you: "Ask her about the other people who are taking the pills. And what exactly they do to you."

"Okay." You reply, immediately regretting it and hoping Nancy didn't hear. She didn't. She was too busy digging through that bag. She finally takes out another bottle of pills, just like the one you got at the hospital. She turns to you and hands it out.

"Here, this is a more updated version of the pills."

You smile and take it. "Thanks! Also, can I ask you a question? What exactly do these pills do."

Nancy spins with glee. "Oh, I'm so glad you asked! Well you see, it helps you sleep. It is supposed to "turn off" your brain in your sleep to prevent you from dreaming. It's not harmful, don't worry, but it is the reason why you won't have to worry about night terrors." She winks

"AHA!" Freddy screams into your ear.

You yelp and grab it while Nancy was turned away from you. You huff in frustration. You try to dig for more information.

"Okay, what are those night terrors?" you ask

Nancy laughs. "Oh, you might know about them but believe me it is best forgotten."

Freddy talks into the phone. "Ask her about the others."

"The others what?"

"What was that?" Nancy looked at you confused.

You realize your mistake and laugh.

"Oh sorry, I meant, 'The others, what happened to them."

You sweat, begging Freddy to help you out.

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now