26. Hiding evidence & finding a place

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A/N: warning: blood/gore

Your mom froze in the doorway. You stared at mom. Freddy looked at the whole scene unamused.

Everything was silent. You could only hear your heartbeat. That was until your mother finally lost it.


"Wait, do you know him? I mean, Mom it's okay, he's not-"

But your mom was already running downstairs screaming.

You look at Freddy. He shrugs. "What?"

"Do something!" you beg. She can't just report you to the police right now, it will ruin our plan!"

Freddy got up and jogged out of the room, you followed him.

While you were running he explains.

"You have 2 options kid. Either I end up behind bars and I somehow escape and maybe find you again or I just kill your mom and we will resume where we are now."

You both made it downstairs into the kitchen and you both stood before mom who was staring at you, trembling so hard she had trouble dialing 911 on her cellphone.

Freddy turns to you.

"So what do you choose?"

You had to act quickly. Your mom or Freddy? You didn't have too much time to think. You look at Freddy. His eyes met yours and you share a calm gaze. You.. you choose him. Even after all your mother did for you she didn't have what Freddy had. What was it even? You couldn't even tell. Were you just dumbly in love or?

You shake your head. "I choose option 2."

Freddy nods and heads towards your mother. Just as someone picked up her call and said '911 what is your emergency?' Freddy slit her throat causing a fountain of blood to gush out splattering all over your clean white kitchen walls and floor. She didn't even have the time to let out a shriek. She fell limp and drops the phone. The dispatcher asked again. "Hello? Anyone there?" Freddy stomped on it causing it to break. He then turns to you and smiles.

"Ahh, that felt nice." You walked towards the table and sat down. "Could you make me another sandwich like the one you made me before? I'm kinda hungry after that kill."

You smile and nod. You were a little surprised with yourself. You didn't even feel a pinch of guilt over your mother's death. Your kitchen was covered in blood, a huge puddle on the floor, and the blood splattered on the walls. Yeah, that's gonna take a while to clean. You made Freddy the sandwich and sat across him. He takes a few bites and asks.

"You want a bite." He smirks. You roll your eyes.

"Nah, I'm good. Why don't you tell me what to do with her body? I don't want her to rot here, ya know?"

Freddy looks back at your mother's corpse. "Yeah, about that. Well, you start by stuffing her body in a trash bag. Then use some strong chemical to wash the blood to get rid of DNA and evidence."

He kinda mumbles the last part. "I'm not exactly an expert on this since I've never really had to clean up any mess I made. Since I always kill in dreams."

You laugh at his remark and get up to walk over to the counter. You take a black plastic bag and put the body into it. You fit it inside and tied it up. Man, it was heavy.

You then get an idea. "Hey, listen, I know a place in the nearby woods where we can bury her. You do need to help me get her to the car."

Freddy already finished his food. He walks over and you both manage to pick up the bag and carry it to the car. You put in the truck of the car and clap your hands."

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now