18. His story and taking him into the real world

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You decide to do some chores around the house. Your dad was on a long business trip and your mom worked all day so they weren't in the house.

You open your computer to attempt googling Freddy one more time. You tried spelling his name in five different ways and still no luck. You had to tell Freddy about your problem with not being able to search him up but he was clearly ignoring you right now. You think about looking up Nancy online but then remembered that you didn't have her last name.

The weather was cloudy and you wanted to do something helpful but you couldn't find anything to do so the whole day just went by. When it came to evening you hopped into bed excited to finally see Freddy. This guy really motivated you to go to sleep. In fact, you enjoyed hanging out with him.

Wait what? You enjoy hanging out with him? You had a bit of a hard time grasping the fact that he could kill you at any moment but you still understood that he was dangerous, how could you like him? He didn't seem to show any interest in you other than using you to help him. Plus he was rude and even a bit annoying. You sigh and try not to think too much about it. You had to figure out how to help him and ask him about Nancy.

You wake up in the dream world but instead of the boiler room, you were on a dark brown couch in a dim-lit living room. The couch stood against a wall across the fireplace that had a small fire burning. There were no doors or windows and the walls, including the floor and ceiling, were covered in that weird red fabric again.

Freddy appeared in the middle of the room facing you, as you were looking around your new place. Your head turns and his eyes meet yours. You jump a little. After a few seconds, he casually walks over to you and plops on the couch. You scooch to your left, away from him.

"So," he interrupts the silence. "You wanted me to tell you about Nancy, huh?"

He looks at you. You nodded enthusiastically but your expression remained scared. He nodded and looks back at the fire.

"I'm sure you are aware of my history based on all the time you had to do research, well you see- "

"Actually I didn't." you interrupted him, scrunching up into a ball of shame after doing so.
He glared at you but then went back to looking at the fire.

"You know, I'm not even that surprised. I figured she'd do all it takes to get rid of my memory."

He reached his arms towards the ceiling and stretched with a satisfied grunt.

"Looks like I'm going to have to give you a history lesson then."

He gets up from the couch and you relax a little. He suddenly spun around and stood right before you.

"You mean there is not a single thing you can find on me?"  he now wore an expression of disappointment.

You scrunched into a ball and nodded shamefully.

"I tried many times. Nothing comes up. I swear."

You looked down at the floor and a tear rolled down your cheek. You were filled with so much shame and fear that You didn't even realize how Freddy wiped your tear off with his thump until he retracted his hand.  You look at him to see him rubbing his chin, lost in thought.

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now