2. first time in dream world

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You are suddenly overpowered by the cold feeling of metal underneath you. You get uncomfortable and try to get comfy on your mattress. But then you realize something; there is no mattress. You feel dizzy but start looking around you. The metal is cold but the air feels warm. You find yourself on a catwalk in a huge boiler room. It seems as though you are looking at everything through a blood-red filter. The smoke rises from the steamers as you can only hear the boiling water and smell the foggy smoke along with something else... blood.
You get up and try to figure out how you got here.


Your head flinches as your ears pick up another noise.
It sounded only once for a short moment but I could tell it was metal scrapping against a wall.
Should I call out?
You think to yourself.
Or should I stay put?

Curiosity usually gets the best of you. But you decide to stay put and instead try to figure out where that noise came from. You listen patiently. You don't even want to waste your time figuring out where are you or how did you get here.
You listen.
But you hear nothing.

Maybe it was just some metal pole that fell or a knife that fell on the ground.

You think to yourself, a little disappointed that the answer to your mystery remains unknown.
You start to look around. You walk down the bridge and run into a dead end. You look down, over the poles and see that it's too high to jump. However right below there stood a pretty big cylinder.

Hmm, if I can get on that cylinder first then it will be safer to climb down.

You were impressed by your quick thinking and started to slowly climb over the metal barrier so you end up being on the side of the bridge. You grasp onto the poles and let your legs dangle down and start trying to reach for the cylinder. You were only in your PJs and socks so it hurt a little when your foot finally caught up and stood on the hot surface.
You then let go of the pole and thrust yourself on top of it! You made it. Now it was only a few feet above the ground. You gently slide down trying not to burn yourself and breathe a sigh of relief when your feet touch the ground and you stand back.

"Clever girl."

You hear someone speak in a raspy chuckling voice. You gasp and spin around. You weren't sure where that sound came from. You shiver a little but still get the courage to speak back.

"Hello, who is this?"

You glance around.

"Come out where ever you are, please."

You felt odd when saying that but you really wanted to know who was behind that comment that sounded very pleasing by the way.


Your head jolts up as your alarm clock goes off.
It was 9: 00. You were surprised that your dream went on so fast. That was quite an unusual dream, to be honest. You still remember it pretty well. It all felt so real. But you had no time to think. It was summer but your dad still made you do a lot of chores in the morning. You decided that you'll catch up on your dream later and started to get dressed.

      Date published: July 14 2020 | Date Proofread: April 24 2021

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