17. the pills

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         You drive on your way back home and still can't stop thinking about the encounter.

Who was that lady and what even was her name? But you shook off those thoughts and focused on your goal. To get the bottle of pills to Freddy.

   You get home and out of the car and immediately proceed to go to sleep with the pills in your hand. You appear in the boiler room with Freddy leaning up against the wall patiently waiting for you. You look at the bottle is still in your hand. Success!

   "I got the pills!" you held them up smiling.

    Freddy's face perked up and he strolled towards you. You reach out as he rudely grabs the bottle out of your hand and brings it to his face, his brows furrowed, and eyes squinting with sharp observation.

    "So yeah, uh, these are the pills that were given. me." You stammered awkwardly.

Seeing that he had all his focus on the bottle you decided to keep your mouth shut. He abruptly opens the bottle cap off with a pop and throws it towards you to catch it. You yelp from the suddenness but catch it nonetheless. He shakes out a pill onto his left hand. A small round pill rolled out. It sparkled like a white diamond on his red burnt skin. He held it up between his fingers.

You followed his hand. The pill reminded you of any typical sleeping pill really but it did sparkle in a weird unnatural way. Freddy was very focused on it. He spun it around and even licked it. Then he finally turned to you.

  "Who gave it to you?" he asked

"Oh. just some weird chick. She claimed that she made them."

"Wait really?" Freddy blurted out now being very interested. "What did she look like?"

You nodded. "Yeah um, she looked pretty sleep deprived actually, She was pretty skinny, had super curly brown hair"

"With a white steak in it." Freddy interrupted you.

You Looked up confused. Now that he mentioned It you did remember that she did have a white streak in her hair. But how did he-?

"Wait, do you know her?"

Freddy looked at you with a serious expression. He takes a deep breath.

"Yes, I do. Her name is... Nancy." He looked a bit sad when speaking her name.

Your head was rushing with possibilities. Did he love her? Was she a good friend? Were they related? You glance up from your thoughts to see him looking at you with a raised brow and then smirking to himself.

"What's so funny?" you ask him.

"You know I can read your mind whenever I want to right?"

Before you could answer to this shocking news flash he continued,

"No, we are not related or lovers or any other stuff you thought up. We are enemies Or, as I prefer, she is one of my victims who was lucky enough to escape."

You nodded with deep interest. He looked back at the pill in his hand and murmured something under his breath. All you could make out was 'what's keeping me' and clever bitch'.
You clear your throat, hoping he won't take offense to that interruption. His head turns. You twisted your fingers trying to find the right words.

"If it's not too hard, could you... tell me more about her?"

He looked annoyed by your request.

"I'll tell you later. Right now I need some time alone so why don't come back later."

"Wait!" but before you could stop him you woke up on your bed.

Published: July 14 2020
Edited: May 14 2021

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