22. Biography and a plan

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You sat down at your table to start reading while Freddy got comfortable on your bed.

You scroll through to see how long it was and, to put it simply, it will take a while to read it. But you had time. So you took a deep breath and started to read.

'Freddy Krueger, better known in this area as The Springwood Slasher, was a notorious child killer in Springwood. He murdered over 22 children in a span of 2 years. He was later caught and send to court but was later released because of a technicality. It was because someone didn't sign the search warrant in the appropriate place.'

'The parents of the victims were furious and decided to take matters into their own hands. They tracked him down to his boiler room where he used to take his victims. They set it on fire with him in it. And since then everyone was sure the killer was defeated.'

You nod after reading that. Okay, so that's it? You scroll down to see more:

'Although we don't have much evidence, other than some teens claiming this is true, it is suspected that the Springwood Slasher and the strange gruesome deaths that would happen to sleeping people are somehow connected. There have been 11 deaths reported sometime after the Springwood Slasher's death.'

'After the last 4 teens dying in their sleep, in just a span of 1 week, many people have moved from the city causing the population of Springwood to slowly but surely decrease.'

'After half a year the murders have spiked again resulting in the massacre of every last teen in springwood. The adults have moved away leaving spring now a completely deserted area.'

That last part got you in shock. You did know a bit about the first two parts but the massacre? That was new. You spin in your chair towards Freddy.

"Wait so let me get this straight, you killed everyone in that Area? Everyone in springwood is dead?"

Freddy looked up at you from under his hat and nodded. He seemed pleased.

"So, what happens after that?" you scroll farther but you only find a long list of all the victims and a detailed description of their death.

Freddy responds to your comment.

"There was no one to kill. So, I had to move on to a new place. But I couldn't because, like you already know, if no one remembers me I don't have much power. But after that little hospital trip, you helped me realize the root of the problem. Nancy has created a drug. It's called hypnocil. What does it do, you ask? It prevents people from dreaming. If you take it right before sleep, then you won't dream which results in me not being able to harm you." He sounded defeated and a bit angry.

You were a bit confused. "How does one just stop dreaming? Is that physically possible?"

Freddy shrugged. "I figure it just shuts off your part of the brain that's responsible for the dreaming."

You decide to examine the pills. You find it on your bed stand and look at the inscription.

"It says the pill lasts 12 hours. Okay, so it looks like we will have a tough time to be able to find any sleepy heads to haunt."

You tell him. He nods. Looks like he already knew that. Suddenly an idea sparked in your head.

"What about Coma patients?! Can't you enter their dreams? That should work, shouldn't it? There aren't many but you will gain power right?"

Freddy sighed. "Tried that. Doesn't work, it seems that Nancy is just pumping them with Hypnocil." You lower your hands in defeat and sit next to him on your bed. You both sit in silence for a moment. You brainstorm about the situation and realize something.

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now