32. Freddy's Interrogation

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Freddy drove to his destination, mentally going over what he would do. First, he will make sure that only Kyle will be at home. Next, he will restrain him and ask him questions. Okay, that seems like a solid plan. but what if his parents were home? what if he wasn't alone? What if the cops see him?

'Eh,' Freddy shrugged. "I'll figure it out when I get there."

Freddy finally arrived at Backer st. He drove in and parked the car. He spotted just a few houses away from 1208. Impressed by the still good eyesight he now pondered on what to do next. Luckily he brought his beanie and scarf with him to hide his face.

Ok, how about this. He will put them on, go to the house, knock on the door, see who opens and go from there. While he knew how risky this was Freddy was desperate. He wrapped on his beanie and scarf and waltz down the street to the house.

It was a chilly day and cloudy as well, but no sign of rain. He didn't see anyone around so that was nice. I mean, it was morning so everyone is most likely at work or busy.

He walked up to the door and rang the bell. After waiting for a while he rang again. No answer. That's when he chose to check the driveway. The cars were gone. Seeing how there was no response it was safe to assume that the parents were away at work. But what about the damn kid Kyle? Was he away too?

His question was answered by an exclamation of anger. Freddy heard a muffed 'damn it!' He turned his head towards the side of the house. It came from the inside. the garage to be exact. Freddy smiled. Perfect.

He headed into the backyard looking for a door to enter. The side yard gate was easy to open. Once Freddy entered he saw the window with white blinds that were conveniently open. It was a small crack. Freddy got excited. but he knew he had to be steady to not bring too much attention. He lifted the blinds a little to look at the inside of the room. It was a room inside a garage. Across the window were a table and a chair. On that chair sat a guy who was currently engulfed in a videogame on his PC. He was wearing headphones and seemed to not pay attention to anything.

Freddy couldn't help but grin. This whole situation was just perfect, just how he wanted it to be. Now all he had to do was open the window, get inside and knock him out and get the answers he wanted. Now that will be the cherry on top.

Freddy slowly slid the window open and crawled in through the blinds. The kid didn't even flinch. Freddy closed the window and blinds after him and took off his disguise. He didn't need it anymore. But he did keep the coat.

Ok, step 1 and 2 is done. Now to knock him out somehow but not too hard so he will wake up soon. Or maybe he wouldn't even have to knock him out. Hmm.

Freddy didn't have too much time to think through every option. And luckily he didn't have to. Right as Freddy wanted to proceed with what to do Kyle rage quite by getting from the chair and throwing his headset into the Computer screen.

"UGH! I just know they are hacking. This shit is rigged!"

He turns around and freezes. Freddy stares back at him. Kyle gasped.

Freddy put a finger to his lips "Shh."

Kyle was too scared to move. "Y- y-"

Freddy walked over to him sat him down back into the chair and spun it towards him. This was like a dream come true. He took in a deep breath.

"Okay, since everything is going as smooth as butter then this part shouldn't be hard. Yes, it's me, Freddy Charlies Krueger himself. And you are?

"K-Kyle" Kyle stammered.

"Good." Freddy nodded.

"I- They told me- Where" Kyle suddenly started to stammer while looking for his phone.

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