20. Getting the computer

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Somehow, even after drinking all that coffee, you manage to fall asleep. You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. It was 8 AM. You pick it up. It was one of your friends whom you texted last night. He speaks first:

"Hey I got your text about an old computer, I do have one, I tried selling it but no luck. I can sell it to you if you want."

Yes, your plan succeeded. You reply;

"Oh, that's great! Can I pick it up right now?"

You don't even care that it's pretty early.

"Sure! Just drive on by, I'll be outside with it. It's pretty old and dusty so just be sure to clean it before using it."

"Okay." You chirped back happily and get out of bed to put on your shoes and jacket. You just now realize that you were still in your PJs but you knew no one would really care.

Freddy is now awake and turning over in bed to look at you.

"Who was that on the phone?" he asked while rubbing his face.

"Just a friend. He has an old computer that he can give to us. I'm just getting dressed to pick it up."

Freddy nods and gets out of bed to stretch.

You finish getting ready. Freddy seems displeased that you are leaving but you ignore him.

You get into your car and drive to your friend's house which is just 7 miles away. When you get there you see him waiting for you on his porch. He was still wearing his PJ. You hop out of your car and walk up to him smiling. You never really told anyone but you had a crush on him since sophomore. I mean he was super cute; how could anyone resist? (his name is Kyle btw)

Once you're by his side he gets up and greets you.

"Hey, Y/N, how are you going? The computer is in my garage, I can help you get it in the car if you want."

You reply eagerly "I'm doing great! Thank you for helping me get the computer on such short notice."

He smiles and you both walk into his house and walk into his garage. He opens the door picks up the computer. You open your car trunk and he successfully gets the computer in with the monitor. You close the trunk and right as you're about to get in the car he stops you.

"Hey, I know it's none of my business but why do you need the computer? Don't you already have a laptop?"

You feel stumped. What should you say? You can't just announce that you are helping some nightmare dude, who now lives with you, to search up something on the dark web, and in order to use that you have to use a separate computer. But he didn't seem to budge. You got scared of him becoming suspicious.

"I need it for YouTube!" you blurted out.

Okay maybe not the best lie but it works right? He seemed satisfied with your answer and lets you get behind the wheel. You hand him a few 20 dollar bills and drive out as he waves goodbye.

You make back to your house satisfied with your success. You pick up the processor with the screen and slowly make your way to your front door. You make your way inside and freak out, almost dropping your computer. You saw mom standing right in front of you. You panicked. What, how? Wasn't she supposed to be at work??? But if she is here she must have walked into my room! You look at her freaked. She smiles at you.

"Hey sweetie, I thought you were asleep so I didn't want to bother you. But it looks like you are up."

Oh good, she didn't see Freddy. She then notices your computer. "What are you doing with that?"

She seemed pretty firm. You laugh nervously, trying not to lose it. "My friend gave it to me. I need it for YouTube."

You prayed your mom would bite and you could peacefully go to your room. And she did. But a little too enthusiastically.

"Oh, you want to start a channel? Do you need a camera? I can help you set up your background? What kind of videos will you make?"

You knew your mom. When she gets hyped about something she will not stop unless there is an apocalypse.

"I'll tell you later." You pipe up and run upstairs. Well, you can't run just walk fast while trying not to drop the computer but you finally made it to your room. You plop everything down and breathe a sigh of relief.

Freddy was awake and it looks like he made your bed. How nice of him. He stood and walked up to you and you straighten up.

"So now that we have the computer I'll be able to access it without you having to worry about your computer getting tracked and get in legal trouble." He grins and starts setting up the computer.

Yaayyy I did it, I published 2 chapters... after making you wait for a month. yeah sorry about that, I had writer's block but it is reserved now. also, I got a laptop on my birthday so my updates will be more frequent. Also THANK YOU FOR 3K READS AAA and the votes too!!! I'm so glad y'all enjoy this story.
Date published: December 12, 2020
Date edited: May 14, 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now