8. His irritation

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You felt sweat drip down your forehead. Gosh, that last part made you cringe as you replayed that action in your head. But you had to spread the message somehow. And what was up with Maxwell? Is she okay? Just barging into conversation like that. Not cool.

You take a deep breath.

'Okay,' you think to yourself. 'Just stay calm.'

You pull up into your driveway and go to your room. You want to do something but you can't find the motivation to do so. You feel exhausted for some odd reason.

"Fine, I'll just take a nap!" You call out loudly. Forgetting everything you set a 20-minute timer and plop on your bed to sleep.

Everything is fine until you realize you're back in the boiler room again.

'Ah, shit!'

You start pacing around. It was warm and cozy and didn't seem so threatening. It gave off a calming vibe surprisingly. But that was interrupted when you heard the familiar sound of metal scraping against a chalkboard.
It came from behind.

You flinch.

In the corner of your eye, you see his silhouette. You then fully turn around. He's leaning on the wall while flashing you a look of disappointment.

You roll your eyes. 'Sigh now what?'

Freddy gets from his leaning position and walks towards you.

"You kids nowadays have so many ways to tell random strangers shit and you can't even use that!? Just hurry up."

You frown.

"But why me?!" You point to yourself

"Why can't you do it yourself? Is there a problem? Are you... scared!?"

You didn't know what happened in the last part but you just couldn't help saying that.

Freddy's scowl became more irritated.
He grabs your throat causing you to yelp.

"You got quite a nerve."
He growls through his teeth.

"Listen here piggy, in case you can't tell, I'm currently weak right now. I can't have the good old strength I had in the older days. I need souls for that!"

"But what does that have to do with spreading the message?"

You manage to wheeze out from his grasp.

Freddy slowly let go of you.

"It's harder to enter someone's dream when they don't even know about my existence. And not many people watch TV news anymore. Plus my story doesn't seem to hit the big cable networks anyway. I need someone to tell others about me."

You rub your throat. It stung a little but you took everything he said very well. You process the idea and ask him.

"I do have one question."

He folds his arms.

"What is it?"

"What will you do when you get enough souls to make you strong?"

Freddy smiled a little, he then chuckled to himself and turned his back to you and went off saying;

"Oh, you'll find out in the future. Now be a good piggy and put more effort into the message will ya?"

He then snapped his fingers and you felt as though you were sucked out of this world.

You jolt up and look at your timer. You still had 8 minutes left to sleep.
But you didn't feel like it.

You sit up on your bed and rub your head.

"How do I spread the message?"

You wonder out loud.

Date Written: July 6, 2019 Date edited: April 14, 2021

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