Chaper 36: Back to the cabin

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You were sitting in the back seat of your car with Alice's unconscious body while waiting for Freddy to hide her car.

After a while you finally saw him walking back and he opened the drivers door to hop inside.

He turned to you and then gave Alice a good long look.

" I remembered where the main warehouse is!"

You interrupted the silence.

"It's on the edge of Crow's creek."

Freddy nodded along to your statement but he didn't seem too enthusiastic about it. He turned back towards the wheel and turned the key. He drove out on to the road and you finally blurted  out all the questions you had:

"So what were you doing the whole time? Who is Alice? Where are we taking her? Where are we going!?"

Freddy glanced back at you a bit surprised then back on the road. After a moment of silence he started to answer your questions, one by one.

"Well, I was looking for you the whole time and um, after a series of events I managed to track down your friend Kyle and he told me what happened to you and gave me Nancy's phone number which I called to lure her into this barn and well, you know the rest."

He paused for a moment.

"As for who is Alice well... she was one of the Dream warriors. Sort of. Dream Warriors was a group of teens who all figured out how to use their imagination powers on the dream realm. After I killed them all Alice came in, she was a good friend with those Warriors and she somehow absorbed all their "power" making her stronger and tougher to handle. She has some power to affect the real world from the dream realm like me but it a much smaller capacity."

You nodded and asked.

"So is she hard to kill? How do you gain power?"

"Oh it's not that she is hard to kill, it's just hard to reach her. While I can pull anyone into the dream realm and right in front of me with her it's much harder. I can pull her in but she will change her location and I'll have to find her. And that's when she uses that time to escape."

You were at a stop and he turned around to look at Alice again.

"This is the closest I got to her." He chuckled.

"We will be taking her to the cabin. And I'll ask her some questions. She and Nancy are definitely working together and I want to know more about that and what she can pull off."

You drive for a while, you kept checking up on Alice to make sure her hands aren't untied and that she's still unconscious.

You get to the cabin and sneak Alice's body into the cabin and tie her up to a chair but the arms and legs.

"Ok." You turn to Freddy after you're done.

"So what do we do now?"

Freddy shrugs

"Wake her up."

You look at Alice and she looks almost as good as dead. You shake her up a bit.

No response.

You shake her harder.

Freddy shakes his head.

"We need some smelling salts, umm, hold on."

Freddy walked over to the kitchen counter and started rummaging through the stuff and he pulled out small

Alice's eye flutter open. She groans and starts to look around. She then looks down to see herself tied to the chair.

You look back at Freddy who stood before Alice, arms folded.

Alice suddenly fell into a coughing fit. It started off as just load coughs but then quickly turned into coughing up blood. You jumped back startled, looking at Freddy for any sign of help. Freddy let out a breath of annoyance and looked towards you.

"Bring her a glass of water."

You nodded and ran to the kitchen. You came back and slowly approached Alice who seemed to calm down, now letting out small coughs. A small string of blood was seeping out of her mouth. You brought the glass up to her mouth and let her take a few sips. After she was done she coughed one last time and nodded her head to you as if to say thank you. You take a step back and look at Freddy again.

"Well." Freddy claps his hands.

"Let's get in with the interrogation, shall we!?"

*He grinned*


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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