13. who's this?

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It was pretty late. The lights in the little town you lived in started to flick off one by one. Everyone was going to sleep and enjoy a good dream.

But there was one building far from out in a field. It looked like it used to be a jail. Deep in that seemly abandoned building, there was a light.

It was a small lamp, in a room, being the only light source. It was just enough to illuminate a row of syringes filled with some clear liquid and what looked like fresh vegetables and even raw meat.

A white-gloved hand reaches into the scene and picks up one of the syringes and squeezed out a small stream of the content to make sure it works. Another hand then takes the raw meat that was on the table and lays it out in a more proper position. The syringe is inserted. The clear liquid is now contained in the meat.

The syring hand shifted to the side revealed the body of the entity and just a bit of the face as well. You could just see the lips that were curled into an unmistakable smile.

"That should help you get some sleep."

The lips cooed. The entity then gets up and tosses the meat into an overflowing canister which contained all the previous meats that were injected with the same clear liquid.

A/N excuse the super short chapter but yeah I forgot to mention that this takes place in a different little town called FalconHills a little made-up town. I decided to go with that bc having Freddy happen in SpringWood is kinda... Well, actually ill let him explain it in the next couple of chapters.
Also since you are here how about you guys tell me what more would you like to see off? What kind of situation would you like to go through with Freddy? Leave suggestions down in the comments
A reminder that comments really motivate me to continue this story, thank you for the support

Date published: July 14 2020
Date edited : May 14 2021

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