31. Freddy's search.

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Freddy walked out of the woods and onto the gravel road. If he planned to find Y/N he had to first figure out where Y/P must've driven off.

He didn't even know what actually happened to Y/P. Maybe he could try to go to Y/P house. Sure, it may seem like a good place to start but it's also dangerous. Not to say also a long way from here. Also, it's safe to assume that Y/N went to ask a friend for help but who even was that friend? Ugh.

Freddy rubbed his temples and sighed. This was going to take a long time and to make matters even harder he had no idea where to truly start. If only the answer could come to him.

He was interrupted by the sound of tires on gravel. When he looked up he saw... Y/N's car? Wait how? He rubbed his eyes. Yep, it's Y/P car but Y/N wasn't in the driver's seat.

It was a girl Freddy did not recognize. But he figured that she may have been Y/N's friend.

What was that bitch doing with Y/P car!?

The car continued to drive by. Freddy bolted after it. He was hoping to stop it somehow.

Stacy (the girl from part 3) didn't pay much attention to some weird hobo in the road, she was driving to the last GPS coordinates that Y/N put in. She was looking for Y/N and didn't even notice how the hobo bolted after the car.

Freddy managed to grab hold of the car's roof rack and hung on to the side. The girl just kept driving. Freddy figured that that girl must've been using the GPS to drive to his cabin. Perfect. When they will get there Freddy will ask her some questions. And maybe even have a little fun.

* * *

Stacy drove up to the forest and The GPS seemed to stop her there. She drove into some trees to park the car and then got out to look around. She headed right towards the direction where the cabin was.

Freddy hopped off the car side and stretched before looking over where the girl was going. Okay, perfect. She was heading the right way. Freddy waited so that she would not notice him and then followed behind carefully.

Stacy kept walking, completely oblivious or Freddy or any danger for that matter. She saw the cabin through the trees and jogged up to it. She seemed excited.

"Y/N!" she hollered.

Freddy was just going around when he heard her. Why was she yelling? Was she trying to bring up a crowd? He went behind the house to grab a shovel. He planned to knock the bitch out and then tie her to a chair to ask questions.

Stacy came up to the door and started to knock enthusiastically. She was so focused that she didn't even hear Freddy tiptoe behind her with the shovel.

He swung back and gave her a good knock in the head.
She fell but was still conscious. But she was disoriented after that blow. Freddy hurriedly unlocked the door and swung it open. He then grabbed Stacy by her collar and dragged her inside. She lay sprawled on the living room floor as Freddy closed the door behind and locked it.

He put down the shovel and looked around for some rope. He couldn't find any so he used some old jeans. He put Stacy up into a chair from the kitchen and used the jeans to tied her waist and around the chair. He then changed his mind because this looked stupid so he just tied her hands behind her back and to the chair with them instead. Stacy groaned as he tightened the last knot.

He then sat down on the couch which was facing her. Stacy looked up a little dizzy.

Freddy took a deep breath and asked.

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