19. The real world

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You wake up in your bed just like any other time. Except it was the middle of the night. And most importantly Freddy was here, and he happened to be right on top of you. You look up right into his face. He grins back and chuckles.

"Ever had a man in your bed before?"

You were so thrown off by that comment that you just shoved him off of yourself, causing him to tumble to the side of the bed and hit the ground with his back followed by a loud exclamation of pain.


You look over the bedside and cover your mouth to suppress the giggling. He lied in a clumsy position and he needed help getting up. You reached your hand to remove his hat which was covering his face and met his glaring expression which made you giggle even harder, almost resulting in a real laugh.

He clumsily managed to get himself off the floor by using your bed as support. He stood up rubbing his back and complaining about how he feels pain now and hates it. You ignore it and scooch off your bed. Now the both of you stood in the middle of your room on a cute fuzzy rug.

(the author interrupts this part to give you a quick description of your house so you will know your house:

You live in a big two-story house that's white with a red roof. The door is in the center of the house. When you walk in you end up in a living room to your left and a staircase to your right. The kitchen and dining room entrance is located in the living room in the left corner. To your right are the stairs and a door that leads to a two-car garage. When you go upstairs you enter a hallway. If you continue forward that's where your room is. It's small but cozy, you have a bed with a big fluffy rug in it and a table with a big mirror decorated with photos of you and your friends (You can add your imagination to the rest) and finally down the hall in the master bedroom where your parents sleep.)

Freddy walks up to your mirror and starts checking himself out. He turns to you and looks around your room. You pipe up and ask him.

"Do you need anything? I can get you a drink of water or maybe even a midnight snack."

You winked at him. He smirked at your flirtation.

"I'm glad you asked, I am quite hungry at this moment, what do you have?"

You go over on your finger.

"Well, let's see, I got cereal, chips, marshmallows, some candy in a bag, and popcorn."

You finish and look at Freddy. He nods along but doesn't seem very enthusiastic about his menu. He extends his hand out.

"Do you have anything less... junk food related?" He slurred.

You awkwardly shrug but then suggest:

"What if I take you to the kitchen and you'll decide for yourself. Just be quiet because my mom is asleep."

You hushed your voice and Freddy nodded cheerfully. He seemed pretty happy; it surprised you how calm he looked. It's as if this was his house.

You both tiptoe down the stairs and you turn on a small light in the kitchen as Freddy opens the food cabinet you had. He looked through all the things you listed earlier and took out bread and tossed it to you. You almost drop it and he proceeds to ask you in a hushed tone:

"You have anything you can make a sandwich with? Even a simple cheese sandwich will do really."

You nod and go digging through the fridge for tomatoes, cheese, ham, and lettuce. After a few minutes, the sandwich was ready. You gave it to him on a plate, smiling as he accepts it with satisfaction. You decide to make yourself a big cup of coffee while he was eating since this was going to be a busy night. Once you both were done you two went back upstairs. You sat down on the edge of your bed and take your phone.

"Okay, you said I needed a separate computer so let's go on eBay to -"

You were interrupted by Freddy trying to crawl under the covers of your bed.

"Hey what are you doing?" you exclaim a little too loudly.

He shrugs at you "Aren't you supposed to be asleep... with me." He giggles at his line.

You roll your eyes getting used to him being annoying.

"I did not drink so much coffee just to get to bed after."

Freddy grumbles at your response. You hope off and move his shoes under the bed. (of course, he took his shoes off, what did you think?)

Freddy got comfy near the end of the bed, giving you the edge of it all to you. You scroll through some used computers on eBay, all of them ranging from 500 and up. You think to yourself how to get the money. Yeah, your parents are already expecting you to start making money on your own so asking them isn't a great idea. But what if?

You look over at Freddy who was lying on his side, his back facing you. You scootch over to him to check if he really is asleep and he was. He looked so peaceful. You could only wonder: do nightmares dream?

You decide to go to sleep as well. You lied down next to him, on your back, and closed your eyes, but you couldn't sleep so you just started to wonder how to get money. Sell something maybe? Or maybe take a loan. Maybe ask a friend. But then again who the heck would just give someone money. Maybe you could ask your friends if they have an old computer you can keep? Oh well, just gotta find out. You reach for your phone and send a text to 3 of your close friends asking if they have an old computer. Knowing they were all most likely asleep you put your phone down and sigh. This was going to be a long night.

Published: July 14 2020
Edited: May 14 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now