6. Collage/spread the massage

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You wake up with a jolt.
You look at the clock. It was 7:00 AM and you needed to go to school.

"Grrr!" You were infuriated by the fact that your dream was cut off so shortly.

You get off the bed and get dressed for today. It's college time.

You rush into your car and get the engine starting. It's just a normal day, you finally start to cool off from those stressful nightmares.

The day continues like it always did. You got to school, found your class, checked your schedule and now you're set. Just like any other school. You were an average student in grades. You seem to get the hang of things easily. Until you reach one of the last classes.

"Oh boy." You groan.

This was one of your most dreaded classes. The teacher always spoke in such a sloooooowwww monotone manner you would just end up sleeping. Besides most of the stuff, he talked about could be read online or in your textbook so you didn't worry too much if you'd miss anything.

He walks into the class greeting everyone and starts the subject. It went on something about politics and other random stuff. And so on or something. You sit in the back of the class so you try to pass the time by doodling on textbook paper. Now you're just doodling little swirls of tornados. With every little circle you lay on the paper you feel as this your tempo becomes slower and slower... and slower...


Someone grabs you by your hoodie and yanks you back furiously.

"SPREAD THE MESSAGE!!!" You hear that nasty voice sneer into your ear. You gasp and start to struggle violently and almost knock your chair over but everyone in the class seemed to not show any notice of your load yells for help. You feel Freddy shove your head into the desk and you jolt up with a yell. Your vision was a little disoriented at first after the struggle but as it cleared you noticed that now everyone is looking at you. Some with genuine worry others with annoyance.

The teacher clears his throat. "Ahem?"

You feel scared. Were you dreaming this whole time when Freddy attacked you? But then how were you able to see that class? What? How does he do that?

You stand up trembling a little.

"I need to go use the restroom."

You rush out of the classroom and while you head down the hall your head is boiling with more questions.

What message was he talking about? Was it the "Freddy's back" one? But how am I supposed to spread it? Is there a time limit? Should I spread it to certain people? I need answers!

You walk into the restroom and wash your face with cold water. You look up at your reflection and see your tired eyes. You turn the water to make it less freezing and splash your face again. You keep your eyes closed and feel the coolness of the water drip off your face and lean back in satisfaction. Only to bump into something.

Your eyes shot open and you see Freddy in the reflection.

You scream as he laughs from underneath his hat and retracts those pretty silver claws of his.

You scream and cry as you drop and curl up into a ball. Freddy kneels beside you.

"You cut that out, bitch, it's getting annoying. Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not here."

You uncurl yourself and get up.

"What do you want?!"

You snap at him.

He takes you by the shoulders and turns you around towards himself.
Your eyes meet and you feel dreadful.

"I don't want much. All you have to do is spread the message and let everyone know who I am."

You groan in annoyance.

"Is that all?" You ask.

Freddy's gaze went a little out of focus as he tried to gather his thoughts together. After a quick pause, he finally replied.

"Not yet. I have a plan. A plan to lure in more souls and ... people I guess. Since I need the people to have souls.
To put it simply, you will be my bait. I'll use you to lure people into my dreams!"

"But why me?" You interrupt and instantly regretted it.

He furrowed his brows (or his face muscles to be exact)
"Why not?"
He asked in a surprisingly jolly tone which didn't fit his current expression.
"You're a simple one; no boyfriends or besties to bother you too much, you get your work done well so you'll most likely have more time to sleep-"

He let go of your shoulders and started slowly pacing around as he continued to praise you.

"You see, I need someone who knows everyone but who no one knows. That probably didn't make sense, heh, but it's not like anyone in school knows you so well that they would willingly hang out with you."

He pauses, his back turned to you.

"No offense."

Your blood boils.

"Okay, but why me Exactly! There is also Maxwell! She knows everyone and sleeps A LOT so she should definitely be on your bucket list!"

Freddy spins on his heels towards you. You jerk back at his sudden action.

"That bitch is a fat whore who won't stop gushing about every single boy who simply looks her way!"
He yells.
"I don't need distractions like that!"

He takes in a sharp breath.

"In fact... the only bucket list she is on is my bucket list of victims to kill."

He sounded more pleased now but still furious by his body language.

You risk his rage.

"But think about it;"

You speak up trying not to sound too intimidating, just in case.

"If she gushed over every boy then she can easily lure him into her dream if you teach her! She will dream about him and you will kill them off later! And you can kill off all the boys first so we girls will have less protection."

The last part sounded so cheesy to you it gave you lactose intolerant. But what shocked you, even more, was how you just went ahead and threw Maxwell under the bus like that. And the idea seemed good yet cruel. But you can't blame yourself. Anyone would do the same thing. Right?

Freddy maintained his furry glare.

"Won't work. Maybe the first time but I doubt she'd agree to help me kill them all off."

His eye focuses directly on you know.

"However, that sounds like a plan you could pull off!"

"Me? No!"

You flutter.

"You can make a deal with Maxwell, I'm outta here!"

You skittered out that phrase as you spun around and sashayed out of the bathroom, completely forgetting about Freddy and his existence.

Date published: July 17 2019
Date edited: May 14,2021

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