30. A little trick

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You were holding back tears. Nancy zapped you 5 times already, all because you weren't replying fast enough for her. You told her that you knew about Freddy's existence and why she hates him. That's it. But she demanded more.

"I know you are lying!" She screamed.

"Tell me everything right now. Where are you hiding that bastard? What are you planning to do!? Tell ME!!!"

She slammed the button so hard that it cracked. You screamed from the final zap. You shivered as she let out a furious yell. She then takes a deep breath and gets up. She looks at you and fixes her hair.

"Fine. Since we both can't cooperate I guess we need a better way to do this."

She reaches into her pockets and takes out the Hypnocil pill. You recognized it because it looks just like the pills she gave you a couple of days ago.

She reaches and tries to put it in your mouth. You shook your head. She grabs your face and tries to pry your mouth open. You protested by kicking or at least trying to kick her. Your legs were under the table so you couldn't do much.

She manages to open your mouth by painfully digging her nails into your jaw which made you yell in pain. She shoved the pill and clamped your mouth so you wouldn't spit it out.

"Swallow it!" she screams.

You were panicked and felt violated. But then you remembered something. A trick you saw on TV once. It involved people hiding their rings and jewels under their tongues. So you hatched an idea. You moved your tongue around and managed to stuff the pill under it. You then gulped your saliva instead.

Nancy still held on to you but after a few moments, she finally let go. She didn't even check to see if you actually took it. She seemed very pleased with her 'success. She heads to the door she came through and you heard the door behind you open. The same guy who brought you in now took off that nasty wire and led you back into the white room.

He almost threw you into it and left. You sat down in a corner and shivered. You were very happy that your trick worked. You could still talk to Freddy. Although it wouldn't be super helpful it was better than nothing. But you still felt scared. How were you gonna get out of here? What even was this place? There were no windows at all. No way to tell time, nothing. It gave you the creeps.

You decided to sleep. Hopefully, Freddy will be in the dream realm. Maybe he is already awake and was now worried for you. Pft, why would though? He is probably now just going to search for someone else who would help him. You shook that thought away and closed your eyes, hoping to get out of this mess as soon as possible.

Published: January 2 2021
Edited: May 20 2021

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