28. Where am I?

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You open your eyes slowly. Your head was still hurting from that blow. Your ears were ringing and no matter how hard you tried your vision was still blurry. All you could do was feel. And you felt that you were lying on the floor of a cold room right now.

You close your eyes and just lie in pain for a while. Thoughts start rushing through your head, not helping your migraines one bit.

'where am I?' 'Why is my head hurting so badly?' "How could Kyle betray me like that?' how did those guys even get there?'

Suddenly the worst thought struck you.

'What happened to Freddy?'

Worst case scenario is they somehow found his cabin and took him in as well.

Best case scenario: He woke up, saw that you and the car went missing, and is probably mad.

Okay, maybe that's not the best but still better than being caught.

Damn, why did you not listen to him? I mean, you kinda had no other option but still. Now that you think about it you realized you could've just went to a public library in a disguise to google that information. So much easier and safer. And now you are stuck here. Damn it!

You felt a little better now. You could lift your head a little and look around.

You were in a small white room, which kinda reminded you of those insanity rooms from films. You tried getting up only to realize your hands were restrained behind your back with what seemed like handcuffs. You hoped to get out of it but it wouldn't be an easy thing to do.

You wiggled around only to be distracted by footsteps. you turn your head towards the sound and see a tiny window. suddenly you saw an entire door open. it was so well blended into the wall you could barely make it out.

A tall man in big heavy black boots and a white lab coat walks in. You try to look at his face. He was wearing a surgical mask and small black circular shades. He also appeared to have a buzz cut. He didn't want you to see his face.

He picks you up by your restrained arms and helps you stand. You were pretty wobbly but he still led you out of the room once you were on your feet.

He took you through a long white corridor that was illuminated by dim white lights. It was so clean and even stank a bit with bleach.

You finally made it to your destination. A white door with a small window in it. The guy opens the door and leads you towards a table with a small mic on it. An interrogation room, you figured. He sat you down roughly and you felt him connect something your handcuffs. Then he left, closing the door and locking it.

You were still feeling a little dizzy but you managed to look around the room. It was cozy and small and had brighter lights than the corridors. Everything was white in this room except the mic with was a light silver. And you noticed that there was another door. There was the door that you were brought in through, which was now behind you, and a door in the left, in front of you but it didn't have any window or anything.

You finally seemed to feel better. You were still in your old clothes. Great! That means that note with the address was still in your pocket. Seems like a silly thing to be happy since it was kinda pointless right now but hey who knows. The handle of the door in front of you clicked, giving you a small startle. It swings open and in walks in non-other than Nancy herself. She smiles a little which seemed to suit her MUCH better than her weird psycho grin she would try to pull off before. But that smile disappeared pretty quickly.

She sits down in front of you and adjusts the mic, probably turning it on. After taking in a deep breath she asks:

"What do you know?"

"What?" you didn't understand her question.

She rolls her eyes and reaches under the table to pull out a small remote with a yellow button on it. She presses it immediately. A small but painful shock zapped through your arms.

"AGH!" you exclaimed.

Well, guess that explains what was hooked up to your hands. It was an electric wire.

Nancy smirked a bit, amused by your yell.

"Any form of uncooperation will be punished," she replies in a dominating tone.

"But I wasn't doing anything, I was just ask-"

Another zap of electricity was sent in response to your defense.
You yelled again and after that sighed in defeat. It was pointless.

Nancy leans in a bit closer.

"I'll ask you again. What do you know?"

A/N Hooookaaaayyy sorry for the wait, basically my Word program stopped working last week for whatever reason and I can't really find an alternative other than just writing all this on the Wattpad site. Welp, better than nothing is. I'm releasing 2 chapters today since they are a little bit shorter than my previous chapters. Enjoy the read!

Published: December 28 2020
Edited: May 20 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now