10. Scars

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You sigh and just fall to your side on the bed again. You're very upset. You don't even realize how you slowly drifted to sleep.

You jump as you realize you're in the dream realm again.

"Oh shit!" You yelped.

You frantically start looking around trying to spot anything that'll help you to wake up.

You turn around and see him.

He's peering at you from the shadows with a blank expression.

"So how did it go?"

He asked you.

You feel the sweat on your back and shiver a little.

"Uh... how did what go?" You ask nervously trying to ease the situation.

Freddy got irritated.

"Don't be stupid. How did your task on spreading the massage went!"

You gulped after being started by his raise of voice. Your whole body couldn't contain itself as you started to just shake from dread.

"I... I-"

You tried to squeeze out a sentence but you had trouble to even speak a single word.

Freddy huffed and marched towards you at a pretty bold and fast pace.
This caused your self-defense instinct to kick in. Run or hit him?
You had 1 second before could decide what to do.

You ran.

You could hear his pace increase and the sound of his heavy combat boots against the metal floor run in your ears.

You ran into a doorway and as you did you the whole realm transformed into, what looked like, a mental asylum. It was dark and the only light source was what seemed like the moon from the ceiling windows. You kept running and you were already starting to run out of breath.

"Keep running bitch! I like a good chase!"

You heard Freddy holler after you.
You tried to quicken your pace but your body felt weak.

You ran into a corner and started to make a turn as you felt an agonizing pain pierce into your back. You heard maniacal laughter as fell hard to the ground. Freddy has slashed your back from top to bottom with his claws. Your vision blurred and everything faded to black.

Date published June 19 2020
Date edited May 14 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now