Chapter 34: Calling the phone number

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Freddy didn't sleep for a while now. It has been 12 hours since Y/N disappeared. Freddy looked at the piece of paper with the contact number. It doesn't look like a company number, that's for sure. Could this be Nancy's number? Wow, that's a pretty dumb move. Freddy has to find a phone to call. He drove around and came across a small abandoned gas station. It had a payphone.

"Huh." Freddy scoffed. "Didn't think I'd ever come across these in this day and age."

It was dark so it was easier to get to it without bringing up suspicion. He scraped some spare change from Y/N's car and went into the booth. Taking a deep breath he dialed the number. A tone sounded through the phone. Please work.

A click was heard. Success! Freddy held his breath waiting for whoever was on the other line to speak.

"Hello?" It was Nancy. "This number shouldn't be available, what the-?"

Freddy heard her mumble to herself.

He smiled. Just like that, he had the perfect plan. He cleared his throat and tried his very best to imitate the whiny teenage boy voice.

"Ah yes, hello, this is Kyle, I called before to report the runaway, I wanted to let you know that I found something of hers you might like to see. It can be very helpful."

Freddy paused. After a few muffled mutters from the other end, Nancy finally spoke.

"Fine, what exactly is this something of hers?"

"It's her backpack, it's loaded with books and journals!" Freddy blurted out. Now, who would pass on an opportunity like that!?

"Really!?" Nancy clapped in excitement "Oh, that's perfect! Where can I meet you, I have to get my hands on that bag ASAP!"

"Wow." Freddy scoffed to himself. "She took the bait that easily?"

He then cleared his throat again and answered "Yeah, let's mean Charlie's old barn. Agreed?"

"Yes!" Nancy piped up, "I'll meet you there at 9 pm"

The phone dial went down. Freddy hung up the phone. He did not expect things to go down so perfectly! Charlie's old barn was an old popular tourist stop. But it was now just an abandoned barn. A perfect place to hold someone captive.

Freddy rubbed his hands in amusement. Things were going as smooth as butter. But wait. What if she had backup? What if someone would come with her. Freddy shook his head. If she has back up then he can just wait in a hiding spot in that barn. The Mission will be a failed but at least he won't get caught.

"Okay." Freddy clapped his hands "It's time to teach that brat a lesson." He hopped into the car and drove to Charlie's old barn.

He stopped half a mile from the barn and parked the car between some trees so it won't be spotted. It was just 30 minutes until Nancy had to be there. Freddy jogged over to the barn itself, it was old by still intact. He ran out of breath as he was almost at the barn's entrance. Man, it sucked to be mortal. After catching his breath Freddy opened the huge barn door just a small crack and slid himself inside.

The barn was empty with the exception of a few old haystacks that created small walls to hide behind. There was a huge top window that let in the moonlight which illuminated the barn. Freddy walked around and came across 2 empty barrels, some had some cracks in them which you could see out of. But they looked good enough to be a hideout.

Freddy opened the creaky lid and hopped into the barrel with a loud thud. He then adjusted the lid on top from the inside again with a lot of creaking but finally after a couple of grunts and squeaks the lid was secure. Now if Nancy had back up Freddy would just wait out in here. If Nancy came alone then Freddy could just hope out and surprise her. All that was left to do now was wait.

Freddy was starting to dose off but was jerked back awake to the sound of a car pulling up to the barn. He looked through the cracks to see Nancy squeeze herself through the tight entrance to enter the barn. He looked even worse than before, her eye bags were almost black and her hair was a hurricane of a mess. It even looked like she had some things tangled up in it.

Freddy was a bit shocked. "Huh, no wonder she didn't think this through. Look at her."

He then smiled. This was going so well, hell, even his dreams wouldn't go this smoothly. He stared at Nancy as she looked around the barn and started to limp around in an exhausted state. She almost tripped but grabbed onto a support beam.

Freddy started to slowly adjust himself to exit the barrel when Nancy suddenly opened her bag and took out something and injected it into her arm.

"Ah, adrenaline shot," Freddy murmured to himself.

After that shot, Nancy shook herself a little and fixed her posture. Her hair and eyes were still a mess but now she had a better stance. She cleared her throat and looked at her wristwatch. Then she looked around.

Freddy was waiting for her to get closer. It looked like Nancy thought that "Kyle" was late. He opened the lid slowly, successfully, without a sound. He remained in the barrel and simply threw the lid off nearby causing it to send out a loud crash.

Nancy screamed and whipped out her phone to turn on the flashlight.

"Hello!" She screamed, clearly panicked by the noise.

She showed the light around and saw the lid. She trotted over to it, still shaking a bit.

Freddy grinned like the Cheshire cat. Perfect!

He leaped out of the barrel and swooped right on top of Nancy. He grabbed Nancy by her shirt collar as she screamed and thrashed in his grasp.

Nancy was too weak to do anything but Freddy knew he had to restart her since she could still run away if she wanted to. Freddy held her tight but he realized he doesn't have any rope to tie her up. He couldn't think of anything else so he just let go of Nancy and punched her.

Nancy flew back unconscious. Freddy let out a sigh of relief. Nancy was tired so she'd be asleep for a while. And he could just enter the dream realm and deal with her there. That sounds great!

He dragged her and managed to carefully put her body into the barrel he leaped out of. He then leaned against it with a satisfied grunt and let his eyes slowly close.

Now he can get the rest he deserves. And show Nancy who is boss.

BUT YEAH I'm finally resuming this fanfic, updates will be slow tho bc I'm focusing on getting my art portfolio done, taking arr classes and just lots of events in my life in general. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Oh and I decided to make this fanfic longer, I might even turn it into a "slice of life" thing when I finish the main plot of the story. Or just make a separate book. Idk for sure tho XD
Thanks for reading!

Published: 6/20/2021
Edited: N/A

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now