25. Figuring it out

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Once you pull up you stop and let out a deep exhale. In the mirror you could see Freddy being relaxed, he must have really enjoyed this encounter. But you didn't. You were mad at yourself for slipping up like that. Freddy didn't seem to care but still! How could you?

Freddy noticed that you were quiet, so he tried to change the mood.

"Listen, that was amazing. Okay, we made a slip-up but damn, you should have seen her face ha ha! She was pissed."

Your hand's grip tightened the steering wheel. Freddy took notice and he nudged you on the shoulder.

"Hey, take it easy on yourself. It's not like she knows where you live. Or that she will track you down. Besides I was planning on revealing  myself to her sooner or later."

You look at him and then turn and open the car door. He gets out as well and runs up to you. You walk up to the garage door and stop. You felt as if on a verge of crying. Fred was pretty good and reading people but he wasn't the best with words when it comes to comforting.  But he didn't have to. You look at him and spill all your worries.

"I'm scared; she might have people behind her who can hunt us down. I might have to run away from here, I mean she managed to poison a whole town with her medicine, she can definitely hurt me somehow. I just- "

Your shuddering voice was interrupted by Freddy's embrace. He was hugging you. You wanted to push him away but you didn't. He put his chin on your head and caressed your hair, calming you down. You snuggled up and felt safe.

He chuckled "Don't worry, I'll kill her before she even dares to think about harming you."

He pulls away and opens the garage door. You shook away from your mini trance and followed him.

Did he just do all that? You were used to Freddy being a badass and all but here he was actually... Kind... it felt very nice.

You both made it up to your bedroom. He hopes onto your bed and stretches. You sit next to him waiting for his next move. He clears his throat.

"Alright, so it seems that she has managed to put the hypnosil inside the food that this town eats. Which is why I can't enter dreams."

You nod. Freddy scratches his head.

"Man, this will be a tough one to solve." He lets out an irritated huff.

You nod. "It sure will be. It's not like we can just cut off food production and make people starve making them weak and pass out and just letting you just go ahead and kill them all."

Freddy froze. He slowly looked at you with shock.

"Y/N, you are a genius!" he jumped up, his eyes gleaming like the ones of a little kid.

"If Nancy has access to all the food in town then it would be easy for us to figure out how to get to it and end the production. We just need to figure out how and where Nancy does her dirty work. Perhaps..."

He sits back down mustering up a plan. He then turns to you.

"Well, what do you think?"

You kind of shrugged but before you could answer you heard your door open and your mom waltz in.

"Sweetie, where have you-"

She froze at the sight of Freddy.

You jumped up in defense.

"Mom I can explain!"

A/N How do you think mom will react?

OKAY so HELLOOOOO OMG SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR WHAT?? 2 MONTHS?? I was working on a personal novel which I FINISHED! buuuut i might rewrite some parts but I am publishing it on DA and even here (technically its already published here but it's not 100 % done) but now that I am done with that novel I can go back to writing this fanfic. I am SOOOO glad you guys liked it and I can't believe I got 6.4k READS while I was gone WOW

Again thank you guys so much, I'll be sure to update it for often. , I hope if you make my Freddy a bit soft lmao I know a lot of people like to portray him the a$$hole he is but this is fanfic so reality can be whatever I want XD so yeah expect a heck tone of fluff hehhehehhe.

Published: November 1, 2020
Edited: May 19, 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now