23. The walkie talkie system

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After some brainstorming and digging you and Freddy figured out how to set up 'the mic'. You got your current phone and an old phone you hadn't used in a while. You were gonna put them both on-call and you would have a small ear pod in your ear that would be connected to your phone. Freddy would hear everything you and Nancy would be saying through your phone and he would be able to reply to your earbud from the old phone.

The next day rolled around and now you had to complete one more step. Set up the appointment. You got yourself ready and asked Fred:

"Do you have any good idea or reason I should give her for an appointment? I'm not exactly sick you know."

Freddy shrugged. "Just come up with something, tell her you have a headache after taking the pills or whatever."

That didn't seem like the most appointment necessary idea but you decided to give it a go. You dialed the phone number and held your breath. The phone rang for a few moments before someone picks up.

"Hello, this is Nancy Thomson, how can I help you!" she rang. Her voice sounded like she had 10 cups of coffee. It was too hyper.

"Uh, um, hello," you responded awkwardly; "I was calling because I had a question about your pills. I seem to keep getting headaches every night after taking them."

You hoped she'd take the bait.

It got quiet and then Nancy piped up, seemly worried.

"You must get the pills to me immediately, I mean, don't be worried, I just need to make sure you have the more updated version, don't worry, you won't die, it's just a pretty common side effect that I'd hate for you to go through."

She let out a nervous giggle. Clearly, that coffee was getting to her. You didn't seem to be bothered. The more important thing is now you can get to her place and see if there is anything good that you can find and hope to have an informative conversation with her. But you had to confirm first.

"So, shall we meet up at 3? At your house."

Okay, maybe that was a bit too forward. Nancy giggles again and replies;

"Yes, darling, I can arrange that, my schedule is free today so you can come around 3, I can make you tea if you want."

She didn't even take a breath in between each sentence.


You chirped happily and you both hung up.

Everything was set. You made the appointment with Nancy.

You walk back into your room where Freddy was and proudly announced that the meeting is set and the plan is in motion.

"Great," Freddy replies. He doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic. "Now let's get through with it."

You both snuck out of the room and into the garage. You made it to your small BMW Coupe and you open the back seat door for Freddy.

"Okay, get in."

Freddy looks at you and rolls his eyes. You look at him annoyed.

"It's so she won't see you, since my back windows are tinted. Plus you wouldn't want many people to see you would you?"

Freddy seems to agree and gets in. You close the door and notice that it's still possible to make out a silhouette in the window. You open the car door again.

"Now what?" Freddy asks

"You need to lie down so no one can see you."

"But you said your windows are tinted!"

"They are! But you can still see if someone is in the back seat and I don't want Nancy to get suspicious."

You crawl inside to try and push Freddy down because he didn't want to cooperate. He doesn't want to fight back either but you still struggle a little. You grab his shoulders to push him down and he tries to stand up and ends up falling on his back on the seats with you on top. You both stare at each other in this awkward position. You wouldn't move. You got held up in his eyes. You seemed shocked and he was staring back. After what seemed like a whole minute, he supports himself up with his elbows and chuckled.

"You're blushing again."  He grins.

You immediately get off of him and cover your face. He chuckles again.

"Relax hon, I won't use it against you."

You close the door and get into the driver's seat. You can see Freddy in your rearview mirror, he's lying down on the back seats enjoying himself. You two make eye contact and he winks at you. You let out a small huff and try to ignore him.

The garage door is open, the GPS to Nancy's house is set and you drive out and set off. (obviously, you don't forget to close the door after you drive out)

You get to Nancy's house. It's a simple, one-floor building in a peaceful neighborhood. You turned to Freddy in the car and tossed him your old phone.

"Okay, I will turn it on and the ear pod will be in my ear. The mic on my phone will be on meaning you can hear what we will be talking about and you should suggest to me what to say or do."

Freddy was still lying in the back seats. He takes your old phone and nods.

"Yeah, yeah, we went over this at your house."

You get out of the car and make your way to the door. Your phone was in your pocket.

"This is a test, do you hear me?"

You spoke. The phone in your pocket was supposed to catch that. You get a reply into your ear pod.

"Yeah, I hear you. Say, what stopped you from using walkie-talkies anyway?"

You roll your eyes. "Don't you know how walkie-talkies work? You need to constantly press a button and hold it to speak and then I should do the same, basically, it's harder and we don't want her to know we are listening to her."

You checked the car again to make sure everything is clear, turn to the door, clear your throat and take a deep breath.

"Here we go." You whisper and ring the doorbell.

A/N: Oooo cliff hanger heheh, i kept having a bit of a writers block but its good now. i tried to add some eh romance in this chapterrr yeah its not the best but hey. plus ill try to update every week now. also THANK YOU FOR 4K READS!!! i never thought people would like my fan fic, be sure to comment and if you guys have any ideas for future chapters or just what you would like to see more of let me know! again thanks for reading and have a good day/night

Published: August  1 2020
Edited: May 19 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficWhere stories live. Discover now